SAINW - Same as it never was I think this episode was the most darkest and sad EVER!!! So I thought I'll do it with my OC turtle, Tyson. :D
As you can see, sadly he is working for the Foot Clan. He is the perfect assassin. What Shredder commands, he will do it! He got a lot of wounds and scratch due to his early killing missions. :( Is he blind, you say? Not at all, he can see clearly. He just wear those binding stuff because "It would be too easy If I can see you." So that means he can also hear and smell good as well. He only takes off those binding If he fighting against some serious enemies, like........the turtles. O_O
Why is he evil? Because he lost all of his hope and sick of this world. But at the end, he will help the turtles for example to get away from the Shredder or somethin' but sadly he have to pay with his life. Yep, he will die. ;_; And his last wish was to see the turtles, especially Mikey with his own eyes for the last time. (Yeah, Tyson and Mikey are still friends here) XD