In this sit-comish setting, there is a cross species gene held in a small percentage of people that enables them to return from the dead, yet not decay or age beyond the point of when they died. Death by natural causes prevents the gene from working, and immolating the corpse prevents them from rising again. Also, damages post mortem can be healed through a normal diet (converting matter to matter.)
One of the members of the Marvel super-hero mutant team is Dead Girl, whose powers became active when she was killed. This team had a high dead rate (at start of issue #1, there was already a dead member, and at the end of issue #1 all but 2 members were dead. The two survivors, expressed doubts as to whether they could recruit replacements considering the high death rate of members !
Also guts, dismemberment and torn flesh were graphically depicted.
One of the members of the Marvel super-hero mutant team is Dead Girl, whose powers became active whe