Really want to start getting through all my goals this year, so I'm gonna indefinitely open pwyw teenies until I can make some good progress at least-
$10 minimum, unlimited slots
will try to do all teenies within a week of order since theyre so small and quick (may take longer if I get a lot of them)
Will be done in one go, without wips, but you may give me a pose you'd like still
gonna be leaving these open until i hit all the goals I wanna hit (though i may increase the price over time if i feel like its too cheap or anything,,)
- Min $10 payment
- Any species/gender/etc is okay
- Complex designs/clothing will be simplified
- One simple prop allowed
- You may ask for a specific pose, but these will be done in one go, without any wips!
- Sfw or Nsfw allowed
Style may vary slightly (mostly eyes since i usually do them smaller but I kinda like the big eyes on this one? and might play around, and might do thicker black borders instead of the thin white one there)
More examples:
X -
X -
X -
X -
X -
not that i think anyone cares lol but-
section for goals/where im at in regards to them,,
- Get through my backlog.. (like the only non monetary one LOL)
- Take DATA course (drivers permit prerequisite)(~$30)
- Get drivers permit
- Get a passport
- Pay off credit line 1 ($650)
< working on this one first probably since it'll be the most useful to pay off- Pay off credit line 2 ($400)
- Pay off credit line 3 ($5,600)
- Get teeth fixed
I have a lot of holes in my mouth :^) ($??? will update once i can actually get an apt and get a quote lol,,)
- (delusional dream) try to visit gf in canada in oct/nov ($???)
If anyone wants to just help out without getting a teeny, you can drop a
dono here.
Anytime I can get a goal completed, I will do a small raffle or a handful of free icons or something :3