I have three wishlists: one for games (that can wait), one for Emag (that can also wait) and one for Amazon (That costs $100 for the items + shipping and incudes stuff for my gf).
I still depend on my mom for money (in college, unemployed) and I can't afford to use hundreds of RON willy-nilly, so I take commissions to pay for what I want from my own money. But I get commissioned so little every few months that I even opened nsfw comms on this site.
I feel like my prices are too high and that's why nobody commissions me, but my gf says they're too low and I need to raise them. But she doesn't know that on the internet people want to pay little for art.
What do I have to do to become more popular and get paid? Draw cub, rape, other violations? Draw stuff from my blacklisted tags? Go against my values and lose myself to hardcore pornography? I already offer to draw more than I do for myself, but nobody takes it
(It's women's history month. I'm a woman. Shower me with money /j)
I honestly need to commission you more because I don't think your prices are bad at all! I just need to find something that would be fun for both of us. :3
I honestly need to commission you more because I don't think your prices are bad at all! I just need