Woo! Steam page setup so folks can go wishlist the game!
Got mid-April as the targeted release for this nice SFW version of Cosmobreeder Yiffai, which will have a an adults-only R18 patch available elsewhere for those that want something spicier~
Price is gonna $15 USD, with no additional cost for the patch.
If the game is actually *functional* without the R18 patch, it's doing better than most adult games!
Wishlisted! But will this also be sold somewhere else, no-patch-needed? (While it's not difficult, applying adult patches on the Deck is mildly annoying. :D )
If the game is actually *functional* without the R18 patch, it's doing better than most adult games!
Unfortunately, Steam does not allow the NSFW version of the game.
I haven't attempted to submit the NSFW version of the game to Steam, but considering the amount of cute games that they've spontaneously removed I'm not willing to risk it in the first place.
Ideally the patch will simply be a file you add next to the game executable in the game's folder, but we'll be testing and whatnot to make sure it all works nicely before release.
~~~ Quote by Baphometh: Unfortunately, Steam does not allow the NSFW version of the game. ~~~
Erm... IS this gonna be a SFW game all around? I mean with that name I can't even wishlist it without opening myself up to constant ridicule ... ^^' and I know that's my problem.
Erm... IS this gonna be a SFW game all around? I mean with that name I can't even wishlist it withou
Exciting but feel weird about it. Played one of the demos and it was fun, but I'm mostly here for the nsfw stuff so mixed feelings all around. Wouldn't feel comfortable buying it with my public steam account...but this is still huge for being in indie creator. Again mixed feelings
Exciting but feel weird about it. Played one of the demos and it was fun, but I'm mostly here for th
I have a few of the nsfw stuff. You can hide games so they won't show in anything. Someone else checks for the games you have, you can be confident they won't find it.
I have a few of the nsfw stuff. You can hide games so they won't show in anything. Someone else chec