Sprunki Babies, Episode 2: "Ask Mr. Computer"
Gray loved the Beat Box nursery’s mornings—the way sunlight filtered in, casting warm little pools on the floor, and how the air filled with happy jingles and hums from him and his friends. Today was no different, except that Mr. Tree, who was standing by the doorway, had a twinkle in his eye as he watched them play.
“Good morning, little Sprunkis!” he called, waving a leafy branch in their direction. “I have a surprise for you.”
Gray’s ears perked up, as did those of Wenda, Pinki, and Skye, his furry friends. “A surprise?” they asked in unison, exchanging excited glances.
Mr. Tree chuckled. “Today, you have a new friend who’ll be joining you. He’s here to help answer any questions you might have.” The nursery grew quiet as the four babies crept forward, eyes wide with anticipation.
Mr. Tree stepped aside to reveal a computer sitting on a small desk in the corner of the room. On top of the computer sat a cheerful-looking propeller hat, its blades spinning gently as if waving hello. The screen flickered to life, showing a friendly face with big eyes and a warm smile.
“Everyone, meet Mr. Computer!” Mr. Tree announced proudly.
Gray, always curious, stepped closer. “Hi, Mr. Computer!” he said, his voice full of wonder.
“Hello, little Sprunkis!” Mr. Computer replied, his screen lighting up brighter. “I’m here to help you learn new things, answer your questions, and go on fun adventures!”
Skye’s eyes sparkled as he leaned in. “Any questions?”
“Any questions I can look up!” Mr. Computer’s voice was gentle but playful, his propeller spinning a little faster. “I know all sorts of things about music, animals, colors, and even outer space.”
The babies exchanged glances, giggling with excitement at the thought of so many questions. Gray’s hand shot up, unable to hold back his curiosity any longer. “Oh, oh, I have one!” he said eagerly.
“Ask away!” Mr. Computer said, his screen showing a little picture of a drum.
“How does a drum make sound?” Gray asked, looking back at his own little toy drum as he asked.
The screen displayed a simple animation of a drum being tapped. “When you hit a drum, it vibrates,” Mr. Computer explained, the image showing rippling sound waves. “These vibrations make sound waves, which travel through the air to your ears. That’s how you hear it!”
Gray’s eyes grew wide, and he glanced down at his drum, tapping it experimentally. “Wow… so my drum is talking to my ears?”
Mr. Computer chuckled. “In a way, yes!”
Pinki giggled, captivated by the idea. “Mr. Computer, why is the sky blue?” she asked, thinking of how the sky had looked that morning.
Mr. Computer’s screen switched to a picture of a blue sky dotted with fluffy clouds. “Good question, Pinki! The sky looks blue because sunlight is made of all the colors of the rainbow, but blue light scatters more easily in the air. That’s why we see it everywhere.”
Pinki’s jaw dropped. “The sky is hiding rainbows in it?”
Wenda gasped, holding her hands up to the imaginary rainbow in the air. “That’s so amazing!”
Then Skye stepped up, eyes bright. “Mr. Computer, can you play some music?”
Mr. Computer’s screen filled with little dancing musical notes as a cheerful tune began to play, his propeller whirling happily in time to the beat. The babies swayed to the rhythm, nodding their heads and tapping their feet.
Wenda grabbed her tambourine, tapping it in time with the melody, while Skye hummed along, his voice blending with the tune. Soon, Gray and Pinki joined in, making their own little band, and Mr. Computer’s tune filled the nursery with happy sounds.
But just as they were all settling into the melody, a loud creak made them jump. They turned toward the window, and there, perched on the windowsill, was a small bird with its wing caught in a tiny gap.
“Oh no!” Wenda gasped, her hands flying to her mouth. “The poor birdy!”
The babies looked at Mr. Computer, worry in their eyes. “What do we do, Mr. Computer?” Pinki asked softly.
The screen filled with an image of a bird, and Mr. Computer’s voice was calm and reassuring. “First, stay calm, little ones. Then, very gently, open the window just a bit wider. That should free the bird without scaring it.”
Gray nodded, and with a bit of teamwork, he and Skye managed to gently open the window just a bit more. The bird chirped happily as it freed its wing and, with a flutter, flew off into the sky.
“Bye, birdy!” Wenda called, waving as the others cheered with relief.
Mr. Tree, who had been watching the whole scene, smiled warmly. “That was very brave of you, little Sprunkis,” he said, his branches rustling proudly.
The babies beamed, and as the day wound down, they gathered around Mr. Computer, full of gratitude.
“Thank you, Mr. Computer!” Gray said, giving the screen a gentle pat. “You helped us so much today.”
Mr. Computer’s screen showed a big, happy smile. “It’s my pleasure, little Sprunkis! I’m always here to help you learn, play, and explore!”
With sleepy yawns, the babies followed Mr. Tree back to their beds, each of them feeling happy and content. As Mr. Tree tucked them in, the last thing they saw was Mr. Computer on his desk, his screen dimming to a soft glow, ready and waiting for their next big question.
The nursery grew quiet as the babies drifted off to sleep, Mr. Computer’s screen now dark. But with his little propeller hat still gently spinning, he waited patiently, ready for the next day’s adventures and all the questions his friends would bring.