Title: Vector The Liquid Balloon Crocodile 7
Character: Vector (Sonic Series) & Captain Elemental
Inflation Type: Liquid
In Kex Andy's House, NYC, USA
Vector at the bedroom.
Vector is very sleepy then he start dreaming.
In Captain Elemental's Training Room
Vector has appear at training room.
Vector: Where am i.
Vector look around the room.
Vector: What is this place.
???: Hello there, are you new here.
Vector: Yes, but who are you.
He turn around then Captain
Elemental has appear.
Captain Elemental: I'm Captain
Vector: Nice to meet you.
Vector smile at Captain Elemental.
Captain Elemental: Have you tried
chubby water soda before.
Vector: No, i haven't tried
chubby water soda before.
Captain Elemental: Would you like
to try.
Vector: Yes.
Captain Elemental: Okay, i will
get the chubby water soda.
Captain Elemental is going to get
chubby water soda bottle. while
Vector is waiting for him.
Vector: i wonder what it tastes
Vector continue waiting for him
then Captain Elemental went back
to see Vector.
Captain Elemental: I made four
chubby water soda bottle.
Captain Elemental give chubby
water soda bottle to Vector.
Vector: Thanks.
Captain Elemental: No problem.
Vector look at chubby water soda
Vector: Let try this drink.
Vector twisting a bottle cap then
he open bottle cap.
Vector: Let drink some water.
Vector drink some water.
Vector: This chubby water soda
is really good.
Vector is very interested about
chubby water soda.
Vector: I want to drink more
Vector start drinking more water
and his belly start to bloated.
Vector: Water taste so good.
Vector continue drinking more
water then his belly get bigger
& more bigger.
Vector: I'm feeling thirsty.
Vector keep drinking more water
then he finished the entire
bottle of water.
Vector: I have drink all the
chubby water soda.
Vector become a big liquid balloon.
Vector: My belly feels so big.
Captain Elemental look at Vector's
Captain Elemental: Ready for
another chubby water soda.
Vector: Yes.
Captain Elemental: You may
Vector grab another chubby
water soda bottle.
Vector: I need to drink more
Vector twisting a bottle cap
then he open bottle cap.
Vector: Let drink more water.
Vector start drinking more water
and his belly start to bloated.
Vector: i'm so thirsty.
Vector continue drinking more
water then his belly get bigger
& more bigger.
Vector: I'm drinking more water.
Vector keep drinking more water
then he finished the entire
bottle of water.
Vector: I have drink all the
chubby water soda.
Vector become a massive water balloon.
Vector: My massive liquid
balloon belly.
Captain Elemental: Ready for
the next one.
Vector: Yes.
Captain Elemental: Okay. go ahead
and drink more chubby water soda.
Vector grab another chubby
water soda bottle.
Vector: This is the third bottle
of chubby water soda.
Vector twisting a bottle cap
then he open bottle cap.
Vector: Let drink more water.
Vector start drinking more water
and his belly start to bloated.
Vector: I drink so much water.
Vector continue drinking more
water then his belly get bigger
& more bigger.
Vector: I'm very thirsty.
Vector keep drinking more water
then he finished the entire
bottle of water.
Vector: I have drink all the
chubby water soda.
Vector become a huge water balloon.
Vector: Wow, i feel like a
huge liquid balloon size.
Captain Elemental look at Vector's
balloon belly.
Captain Elemental: Ready for the
last chubby water soda.
Vector: Yes.
Captain Elemental: Okay. go ahead
and drink more chubby water soda.
Vector grab another chubby
water soda bottle.
Vector: This is the last bottle
of chubby water soda.
Vector twisting a bottle cap
then he open bottle cap.
Vector: Let drink more water.
Vector start drinking more water
and his belly start to bloated.
Vector: I'm drinking lots of
Vector continue drinking more
water then his belly get bigger
& more bigger.
Vector: I'm still thirsty.
Vector keep drinking more water
then he finished the entire
bottle of water.
Vector: I have drink all the
chubby water soda.
Vector become a giant liquid balloon.
Vector: Oh wow, i'm a giant inflated
liquid balloon size.
Captain Elemental look at Vector's
balloon belly.
Captain Elemental: Well done, you
have become a giant liquid balloon
Captain Elemental smile at Vector.
Captain Elemental: Do you need anything.
Vector: I just want to go home, that all.
Captain Elemental: Okay, we will meet
again someday.
Captain Elemental snap his finger.
In Vector's Bedroom
Vector is very sleepy then he
stop dreaming and he wake up.
Vector: I had the best dream ever.
Much Later
Vector look at the mirror.
Vector: Oh wow, how do i become a
giant liquid balloon size.
Vector look at his giant legs.
Vector: My legs look bigger.
Vector look at his giant arms.
Vector: Same with my arms.
Vector look at his giant balloon
Vector: I inflated myself like
a giant liquid balloon size.
Vector is very interest about his
giant liquid balloon size.
Vector: Oh wow, i'm the best of the
biggest liquid crocodile balloon ever.
Vector is very happy about being a
giant liquid crocodile balloon size.
The End