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Pictured: Harlston Palace, Icehold

As promised, here is a deeper look into the Wolfen Empire to help flesh out my world. Please, if you enjoy, leave me a comment and let me know what you think!

-People and Society:

The Empire of Wolfen is mostly comprised of various canine species.  Although it was founded by wolves and is considered 'the wolf empire,' most of it's citizens are not wolves. There are also a number of non canine citizens, mostly humans but some other species of anthros. One might assume that, because of their long war against the felines of Feliniad that felines would be unwelcome in Wolfen. This is not true. In theory. In practice, felines, regardless of their origin, are treated very coldly at best. There were even snow leopards once found all over North Krezan. Though the Wolfen Empire denies it, they were pushed out of their lands and 'vanished' until now the only remaining snow leopards remaining in North Krezan live in the northern Rinus Confederacy.

Every citizens life is touched by it's long, bloody history of war. Much of the nation's industry revolves around war, either directly or indirectly, with soldier being a fairly common profession. This is primarily due to propaganda woven into school life, incentives, and a program that requires any citizen who goes more than a year without stable, honest work or schooling to submit to enlistment.

In addition, a portion of every school day is dedicated to 'personal training,' which includes physical training, teaching first aid, learning basic technical skills, and survival skills. After the age of fourteen, this also includes performing practice at target ranges with various firearms. After every able bodied citizen graduates school, they are required to serve for one year in the armed forces as 'Mandatory Enlistees.' This practice is continued even in peace times.

The life of the average citizen is fairly autonomous. Once they've completed their obligatory one year of service, they are allowed to make their own choices. The government still requires quarter annual testing to ensure that citizens between the ages of nineteen and forty remain skilled enough to be enlisted and deployed immediately if necessary.

The people of Wolfen are suspicious of outsiders by nature, most of the empire having been conquered and forced to join naturally bred a fear of other outsiders doing the same. This attitude has generally served them well. Between Feliniad launching secret attacks, Elenor kidnapping and enslaving unfortunate furs, and Dragconis using Rinus to undermine Wolfen in the north, they don't have much love for their neighbors.

The Wolfen Empire's general technology is, (like most of Arulan), similar to twenty first century Earth. Most citizens in the southern part of the country live a comfortable life with many modern amenities. The northern parts of the country, more isolated by the harsher environment don't have as many luxuries but the people there remain mostly comfortable and happy.

Medical knowledge in Wolfen is fairly advanced, with most all diseases at least understood if not treatable. The mortality rate due to poor healthcare is low. The Empire is famous for creating heat blockers in PDE 1173. Where before, anthro women would go into heat without control or relief, with consistent use, heats are reduced to a manageable problem. These are now used all over Arulan, even in Feliniad.

Cars are fairly common in larger cities in the south, and there are even some highways spanning the southern Empire, though most people will utilize public transport. In smaller towns they are less common, as are roads for them. Usually a community will have a few vehicles that the town will share when they need to travel out of town.

The northern Empire is less developed, and few roads exist there, other than the trade road to Rinus. Most travel in the north is done by train, and the railways are well maintained by the Empire. Specially built, all terrain vehicles travel unofficial routes through the wilderness between towns to deliver people, supplies, and mail to isolated communities.


The capital of the Empire is Icehold, where the seat of it's government, Harlston Palace. Icehold stays cold and snow covered for most of the year, and is situated on the shores of Pale Lake.

The Emperor lives at Harlston Palace. Build on the spot where Xander Greyfang and Yorlan Wolfen once had their chieftain homes. The palace started off as just a more permanent home for the Empire's leader when the empire was young, but as it grew, so did Harlston Palace. Now it houses much of the Empire's most important functions, including the Circle, the office of the Grand Marshal, the Army's Central Command, and Houses of Domestic affairs.

The current emperor, Aslof von Wolfen, formerly Aslof Viseul, was born in PDE 1232 and rose to power in 1268 when his predecessor died. As was tradition, his hand picked advisors, the Council, selected the next Emperor from among their number, then all resigned from their seats, never to take them up again. Aslof selected new advisors for his Council and officially took on the mantle of Emperor.

The Council forms the Emperor's personal advisors and handles most of the day to day operation of the Empire. Each member is hand picked by the Emperor, usually from high ranking individuals in the military, civil services, older judges, and scientists.

The Army's Central Command is built into a large bunker under Harlston Palace. This bunker contains the Grand Marshal's office, the highest ranking position in the military. From this bunker, the Grand Marshal and the Emperor can direct all forces of the Wolfen Empire.

The Houses of Domestic Affairs are different departments that govern all domestic industries, such as education, agriculture, energy, taxation, and so on. Each department is largely autonomous, organizing and pursuing goals set to them by the Emperor as they best see fit.

Due to it's near constant state of war, the Empire is constantly in need of money to continue fighting. This results in heavy taxation of it's citizens. This is also why the Empire must continually halt it's war with Feliniad, it must give it's economy time to recover.


The Wolfen military's technology is similar to our own, more advanced in some areas while lagging behind in others. For example, they still primarily use propeller planes for aerial combat, with jets being a new and developing technology.

The Wolfen army favors using tactics with squads working in tandem to surround opponents. One squad will open fire, pushing enemies back into another squad. They heard them from squad to squad, inflicting damage and falling back. Once the enemy starts to pursue, a squad will engage them from behind.

When they are forced to engage large groups of enemies head on where there pack tactics won't work, they prefer using heavy vehicles like tanks to punch through enemy lines with infantry following along behind. If the plan works, the enemy would have to fight Wolfen armor from one side and their infantry from the other. Fast, lightly armored vehicles often roam around the battle at that point, preventing the enemy from slipping out of the trap.

The empire doesn't actually have any formal uniforms. Each squad is allowed to dress however they see fit. Every soldier chooses their Full Dress Uniform from a premade selection and wears it for the rest of their service. This makes platoons eclectic, but makes every squad easily visually identifiable.

  - Alliances:
The Empire has only ever really had alliances of convenience. It's emperors have long held that the the Empire was destined to replace the Dragon Empire, uniting the world under their single banner.

Even in the current year, it's alliances are tenuis at best. Elenor continues to launch raids against it and Dragconis takes any chance it can get to undermine them. The Rinus Confederacy doesn't actively work against the Empire but they are aware they'd be annexed if the opportunity presented itself, and they are frequently forced by Dragconis to take action against the Empire, usually in trade agreements.

-Natural Resources:

North Krezan is a large continent, with cold, snow covered forests and mountains to the north with more temperate valleys and hills down to the south. The Dragon Empire claimed much of southern North Krezan during their reign but never ventured far into the cold north, never finding the iron rich mountains, or the precious jewels found in a small range on the western coast.

The southern part of North Krezan has warmer temperatures and has been used as farmland ever since the Dragon Empire, growing mostly wheat, corn, and earthy vegetables. It also has great grazing lands which have encouraged ranching of feral animals.

The oceans around the continent are colder than most of the world. In the north, they fish for huge leviathan creatures that live in the icy water. The southern oceans are warmer and a healthy fishing industry thrives, despite the dangers that Kingdom forces pose.

The Empire's economy is primarily fueled by trade, since it's war with Feliniad hasn't made much headway.  It's main export is Heat blockers, the medicine they produce, while it also primarily exports iron from the frozen north, grains grown in the south, and silk harvested from Gelida Spiders. Gelida Spiders are giant, man eating spiders that live in the northern parts of North Krezan whose silk can be refined into soft, light, very durable cloth. Most of it's trade is sent along the trade road through Elenor to be sold in Idica, as what trade is done by sea is harassed by 'pirates' in the north and Feliniad ships to the south.

It's trade is further bolstered by the slave trade through Elenor. Although the Empire smoulders over secretly sanctioned Elenorian slave raids into it's lands, it happily sells captured felines to the humans. Also, while officially denied, prisoners of serious crimes or lengthy prison sentences may also find themselves shipped to a life of servitude in Idica.


The Wolfen Empire places a high priority on the group over the individual, the 'pack' over 'lone wolves.' This mindset works it's way into most aspects of daily life for its people. Born from the time when communities either had to work together to survive or die from starvation or the elements.

Today, this most obviously occurs in the lives of young adults. Most single anthros tend to live in groups of at least two, but usually three or four. Even after picking a mate, it's not uncommon for two families to share a single home. As a result, homes and apartments in Wolfen are large and built with several rooms.

Wolfen cities are built around a central gathering area, either a town square or the seat of local government. Cities have plenty of parks and natural areas to allow nature to remain close to their hearts and minds. Much of the city will also be designed with art in mind. Statues honoring war heros and great leaders frequent street corners, and murals of beautiful landscapes cover building walls.

Entertainment in the Empire comes in many forms, a very popular being sports. The state forces physical fitness on it's citizens and sports help to maintain this lifestyle. Sports in Wolfen tend to be physical contact that allows for aggressive tendencies. Competitive target practice is another popular choice that's approved by the state.

Other, less physical pastimes include movies and games. Wolfen itself doesn't produce many films, instead importing many from Idica. Those that it does make tend to be action movies and a surprisingly large number of romance movies. Most video games are imported from Idica and feature a wide variety of options. Physical games from Wolfen tend to be slower, more strategic games, from board games to card games.

Fashion in Wolfen depends on where you are. In the frigid north, people tend to wear heavy cloaks and woolen clothing. These can be made from the fur of feral animals or thick fabric. Combined with their natural fur coats, anthros are able to live comfortably in this environment.

In the south, clothing is much lighter and is frequently optional. Clothing made from Gelida Spider silk is heavily favored, since once it's refined, it's very light and breathes well. It's also common to find anthros half dressed. Actually nudity is fairly rare, but not illegal in most public places. Clothing tends to be brightly colored and eye catching. Citizens often pay extra to find colors and patterns that match their own fur.

Genders in Wolfen are treated equally, with ones merits and accomplishments mattering far more than one's sex. Most male canine anthros tend to be larger, stronger, and more aggressive than their female counterparts. Both sexs are expected to protect their home and empire, and both work to support themselves.

Sex in Wolfen is similar to most of anthro societies. Sex is common place among close friends and isn't considered a sign of great commitment. This is due to anthro women having heats for most of history, and having uncontrollable urges and needing release.

While sex is common, eventually a couple may decide they want to be together forever, becoming Chosen Mates. Once a couple becomes Chosen Mates, they will usually cease sexual activities with others. A small, formal ceremony is held with family and close friends in a park or beyond the town limits in accordance with ancient traditions involving the couple professing their love and devotion for each other before the spirits of their ancestors and the spirits of nature.

Wolfen has a few official, important holidays. First is Founding Day, which celebrates the day Yorlan Wolfen was crowned Emperor and is celebrated by a day of feasting and games. The second is a world wide holiday, except in Dragconis: Liberation Day. The day the Dragon Empire was cast down and dissolved.

The last, semi official, holiday is Pre-deployment Day. One week after graduation, all able bodied graduates must report for their mandatory one year enlistment. The day before they deploy, many choose to celebrate with a day of partying. Showing up on time to report for deployment is considered a rite of passage into the responsibilities of adulthood.


The Wolfen Empire is primarily a secular entity. It doesn't overly concern itself with it's citizens spiritual beliefs. As a result, the Empire is home to many different religions. There are many in the north who still practice spirit and ancestor worship of their far distant forefathers. There is even a temple in Harlston Palace for the spirits.

The only religion that Wolfen does not tolerate is the dragon's cult. After being enslaved and forced to worship Xevrodan for centuries, many consider it a betrayal to willingly worship him now.

How a person's body is handled after death largely depends on their beliefs in life. There is a brief period of mourning, followed by a somber dinner with family and friends in attendance. Afterwards, many citizens have their bodies taken into the wilderness and buried with a tree planted against their bodies. In this way, they would join with the nature spirits who would lead them to their ancestors. Those with different beliefs, or with none, tend to have their bodies burned and their ashes scattered.

-Views on magic:

Magic is viewed as a necessary evil in Wolfen. It is widely misunderstood and feared, seen as a dragon ability. Some who possess magic are even accused of having dragonic ancestry.

At the moment, there are only a couple dozen magic users in the empire. After they are trained in Dragconis, they are heavily encouraged to sign up with the military. Those that do are not necessarily put on the front lines, usually put in support roles, but a mage can wreak havoc across a battlefield.

-Other Significant notes:

  - Wolfen is named after Yorlan Wolfen, the second leader of what would become the Empire, and the declared First Emperor. Xander Greyfang is not considered the first because, although he was ruler of Icehold and did expand his territory, he was a ruthless butcher whom slaughtered those that refused to bend the knee, and many of those who did.

Yorlan, on the other hand, favored diplomacy, convincing many to join him rather than force them. Because of this, he was declared the First Emperor and Xander received no accolades.

  - the Imperial Regalia are two sacred treasures of the Wolfen Empire. First is the Crown of the Pack, the crown that Yorlan Wolfen had forged for his coronation to emperor. Forged from gold taken from his first conquered city set with jewels given to him by the foxes he convinced to join him.
The second is a bracelet taken by the fourth emperor in PDE 398 after the conquest of a northern tribe. It's made of a strange, unknown metal with circuitry over it's band. On top is a strange black stone, flat like a screen but it has never discovered how to power it, if it even can be. Allegedly, it was taken by the tribe when they fought against Xevrodan at the Ivory Palace, though no records exist of the Ivory Palace ever being breached.

Made with unstable diffusion
Positive prompts: city, modern city, snow, ice, lake, frozen lake, trees,
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water 16,181, ai generated 13,571, story 12,960, snow 11,047, winter 6,028, ai 4,722, trees 4,106, scenery 1,949, landscape 1,745, river 1,733, ai art 1,325, lore 557, palace 234, world building 116
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 10 months, 2 weeks ago
Rating: General

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10 months, 2 weeks ago
is really wonderful! i loved it so much
10 months, 2 weeks ago
Thanks, glad you enjoy!
10 months, 2 weeks ago
anytime <3
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