In a faraway land to the east, a young medjay warrior named Wepawet has been trained to become a warrior capable of enduring the greatest of trials of combat, however, upon being sent away from his home to the far west he will encounter a changing reality which will see his very humanity put into question. Not helping his situation any is a mystery person who goes by the name Abaddon who seems to have taken a keen interest in him. Why this is will be the question for which Wepawet will be forced to contend with, whether he wishes to or not.
Standing opposite of Wepawet's journey will be Abaddon's own journey, of which involve many secrets, most of which he is keenly aware of, and yet somewhat powerless to outright stop. His history, and the mission for which he has bound himself to, will see him challenge those who he has sworn loyalty to, as well as his budding feelings towards someone who he was never meant to grow as especially close to as he will become. Will he be able to balance the scales that hold both his stated mission and his affections, or will he lose control and be forced to forfeit both once the changing world throws its weight onto his shoulders?