Author: AnnonyMouse
MLP:FiM is property of Hasbro. This is a free fanfiction, not to be sold or traded for any money, goods or services.
A/N: No comments on spelling or grammar. See my profile for details.
Ponyville came into view, along the edge of the Everwild Woods, and from the sky, it was larger and more colorful than what Midnight Sparkle had been thinking.
Spike noted this as well. “It doesn't look so bad, does it?”
“Well...” Midnight wondered as the chariot approached for a landing, right in the center of town.
A few ponies bothered to take notice as the ebony and silver craft landed.
The driver had landed so softly that Midnight barely felt the contact with the ground. He glanced back from his seat and nodded. “It's safe to disembark.”
Midnight nodded and stepped down. “Thank you for the smooth ride.” She then looked around town, pulling out her agenda scroll. “Well, now that we are here, we may as well get to work. Maybe this town's old librarian was competent and kept some old books I can use to research Tyrant Skyfire.” She walked away as the chariot took to the sky again.
Without looking back, she walked through the town. “Well... It's not quite what I expected from a farming community.”
Spike nodded. “Sure looks nice.”
“Not at all what I'm used too, but I guess I have to adapt.” She walked on, chatting with Spike about various things she observed till a taller Earth Pony walked up.
“May as well try to make a good impression.” Spike suggested.
Midnight sighed and stepped forward. “Hello. I'm Midnight Sparkle and I'm...”
She didn't get to finish as the wavy maned pony gasped and rushed off, moving insanely fast.
“Well that didn't go as I had hoped...”
“First on the list... Banquet preparations at Sweet Apple Acres.” Midnight read off her agenda.
Up ahead she spotted an orange coated mare spin kick a tree, dislodging a fair number of apples, which somehow fell flawlessly into the baskets that rested on the ground.
The mare adjusted her stetson and grinned, then spotted the stranger. She walked up to Midnight. “Howdy Partner.” She grabbed Midnight's hand and shook it vigorously. “Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres. Ah'm Applejack. What can Ah do ya for?” The tall mare grinned down at the much shorter Midnight.
“Ah, well, I'm Midnight Sparkle and I was sent here from Canterlot to oversee the Summer Never Sun festival preparations. Would you be the one in charge of the food?”
“Sure as apples Ah am. Ya'll come t' sample some of our goods?”
“Well I...”
“One sec.” The blond mare turned and bellowed out at the top of her lungs. “Soup's on everypony!”
From the farmhouse, barn, other building and from throughout the orchard came a whole lot of ponies. Midnight was nearly trampled as they rushed forward to surround a large table.
“Now why don't Ah introduce ya'll t' th' Apple family.” Applejack grinned as she pushed Midnight down onto the bench.
“Thanks, but I'm in a bit of a hurry.” Midnight started, but was ignored as ponies started piling food on the table and taking their seats.
“This here's Apple Fritter, Apple Bumpkin, Red Gala, Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Caramel Apple, Apple Scooter, Apple Tart, Baked Apple, Cinnamon Crisp...” She paused to take a breath before continuing. “Big Macintosh, Apple Bloom aaand...” She shoved an apple into Midnight's hands. “Granny Smith.” She said with pride
“Uh... I see you have everything in hand here... I really should be on my way...”
The cute young red headed Apple Bloom looked up at Midnight, her amber eyes big and round. “Ain't ya gonna stay fer brunch?” She blinked cutely a few times.
Midnight's tone softened as she spoke. “Sorry, but we have an awful lot to do.”
All the apple family looked disappointed. Awww.”
Midnight sighed. “Fiiine...”
“Food's all taken care of.” Spike stated. “Next is weather.”
Midnight groaned as she walked along behind the fluttering serpent. “I ate too much pie...” She rubbed her slightly rounded belly.
Spike ignored Midnight's complaining and looked up at the lightly clouded sky. “Hmm, there's supposed to be a Pegasus named Rainbow Dash clearing the clouds.”
Midnight looked up as well. “Well, she's certainly not doing her job.”
Before she could say another thing, she was tackled clean off her hooves and splattered into a mud puddle.
Midnight lifted her face from the mud as somepony got off her back. She was greeted by a chuckle. “Excuse me” And another chuckle. The pony, a cyan coated Pegasus lifted off the ground, ignoring the mud that coated herself. “Let me help you.” She chuckled and flew off and grabbed a nearby cloud.
A moment later she was back, and slammed her hooves into it, causing a heavy rain to douse Midnight, washing much of the mud off her.
“Oops, guess I overdid it.” She paused to think while Midnight stood up, looking none too pleased with the situation. “Um... How about this?” With blinding speed, she whipped up a whirlwind around Midnight, drying her out and blowing clean the remainder of the mud. “My very own patented Rain Blow Dry.” She landed gently. “No no, no need to thank me, you're quite welcome.”
She then got a look at Midnight's 'mangled' mane and tail. Her eyes teared up a moment before she collapsed laughing her ass off. Spike took a look and joined her on the ground laughing.
“Let me guess, you're Rainbow Dash...” She spoke in an unamused tone.
Dash was back on her hooves in a flash, a hand on her chest as she proclaimed proudly. “The one and only.” She hopped up and hovered in the air. “Why, you heard of me?”
“I heard you're supposed to be keeping the sky clear.” She sighed then put on a friendly face. “I'm Midnight Sparkle, and the Queen has sent me to check on the weather.”
Dash had already hopped up on the low cloud and was lounging on it. “Yea yea, that'll be a snap. I'll take care of that in a jiffy. Just as soon as I'm done practicing.”
“Practicing for what?” Midnight asked.
Dash rolled over and peered down at Midnight. “The Shadowbolts.” She grinned and pointed at a nearby poster of the most famous flight and entertainment team in all of Evernight. “They're going to perform at the Celebration.” She back flipped off the cloud, only to land on another cloud. “And I'm going to show them my stuff.”
“THE Shadowbolts?” Midnight gave a doubtful look as Dash kicked back and relaxed on the cloud, her arms behind her head.
“Yup.” Dash replied confidently.
“The most talented fliers in all of Evernight?”
“That's them.”
“Pfff.” Midnight scoffed. “Please, they'd never accept a Pegasus who can't even keep the skies clear for one measly day.”
THIS got Dash's attention and she sat up, kneeling and looking over the edge of the cloud. “Hey, I can clear this sky in ten seconds flat.”
Midnight narrowed her eyes, and with a grin spoke in a semi mocking, semi challenging tone. “Prove it.”
Dash stared at Midnight for a split second, then grinned as she took to the sky. Her speed was amazing as she tore apart the clouds, dissipating them with great skill. “Loop de loop around and WHAM!” With that, the sky over Ponyville was cleared of clouds. “What'd I say. Ten. Seconds. Flat.” She grinned at Midnight. “I'd never leave Ponyville hanging.”
Midnight and Spike could only stare, their jaws hanging loose.
“Haha. You should see the look on your face.” She flew around and settled next to the lavender mare. “You're a laugh Midnight Sparkle. I can't wait to hang out some more.” With that, Rainbow Dash shot of and was gone before Midnight had even recovered.
Ponyville Town Hall.
“Decorations.” Spike looked at the agenda as Midnight neared the location of the actual celebration. “Wow, nice.”
The interior of the interior of the building was decorated with dark blue and black banners displaying the symbol of the moon.
“This should be quick.” Midnight smirked. “Quite nice indeed. I'll be at the Library in no time.” She then spotted a tall, white coated Unicorn mare tending to the decorations, using her hands and her magic to perform the task.
The Unicorn was picking through various ribbons for the finishing touches. “No... No, no... Goodness no.”
Midnight walked up and smiled. “Good afternoon.”
“Just a moment please. I'm in the zone, as it t'were.” She selected a beautiful black ribbon that caught the moonlight just so. “Sparkles always does the trick, does it not?.” She smiled. “Why Rarity,
you are a talent.” She finally turned around to face Midnight. “Now, how can I help YouuuAAAHH!” She jumped, crying in shock at the disarrayed state of Midnight's mane.
“Oh my stars, Darling. Whatever happened to your cuafeur?” (A/N I know I spelled this wrong.)
“Oh, you mean my mane?” Midnight cringed a little, having forgotten her little 'incident' with Rainbow Dash. “Well, it's a long story.” She deadpanned before 'looking' friendly again. “I'm just here to check on the decorations and then I'll be out of your hair.”
Rarity had a somewhat bothered look on her face. “Out of MY hair? What about YOUR hair?” She grabbed Midnight's hand and started pulling her along.
“Wait, where are we going?” Midnight asked, a worried tone in her voice. “Help!” She whimpered, staring at Spike.
“What do you expect me to do?” He gestured to his considerably smaller size.
Rarity's Boutique.
Rarity had pulled Midnight's jacket off and set it aside. Midnight stood in front of a rather impressive mirror that HAD to be very expensive.
The white Unicorn used illusion magic to display different outfits on the smaller lavender unicorn
“No no no. To green. To yellow. Too poofy. Not poofy enough. Too frilly. To shiny...” Each was with another odd or extravagant outfit.
Finally Rarity stopped with a beautiful white gown studded with gems, and a choker baring a large emerald set into it.
“Now go on my dear. You were telling me where your from.” She paused and tightened the corset.
Gasping between words as the corset made it hard to breath, Midnight spoke. “I've... been... sent... from... Lunaris... too”
“Huh?” Rarity's fingers slipped from the laces and she stepped back. “Lunaris?” She exclaimed excitedly. “Why I'm so envious. The glamor, the sophistication. I've always dreamed of living there.” She smiled and placed a hand on Midnight's slender shoulder. “I can't wait to hear ALL about it. We're going to be the best of friends, you and I.”
Midnight was a little too stunned to say anything as Rarity's eyes fell on the choker.
“Emeralds? What WAS I thinking. Let me get you some rubies.” She trotted quickly into he back room.
“Quick. Before she decided to dye my coat a new color.” She snatched Spike and ran out the front door.
Having escaped Rarity and her overzealous nature, Midnight walked down the road, Spike once again draped over her shoulder, holding her agenda scroll with the tip of his tail.
“What's next on the list?” Midnight asked as she took it and read it over. “Ah, music. It's the last one.” She smiled in spite of herself.
She suddenly paused as she heard... was it? Yes, it was. Birds chirping an oddly melodic song. Following the sounds, Midnight and Spike came across an odd scene.
A tall, very slender and beautiful Pegasus Pony was actually directing birds in song. Her insanely long, soft pink mane reached down to the back of her knees, with more hanging over her shoulder. Her butter yellow coat matched her light, breezy dress perfectly.
As the pair watched, they heard one bird singing out of tune.
“Oh my.” The Pegasus whimpered a little, but smiled softly. “Um, stop please everyone.” She walked up to the low branch and actually spoke to the bird, which didn't seem at all frightened by her at all. “Excuse me sir. I mean no offense, but your rhythm is just a teeny tine bit off.” She then stepped back to her original position. “Now, follow me please. A one, a two, a one two three...”
“Hello.” Midnight called out, stepping forward.
The Pegasus let out a startled cry and spun around.
“Oh my, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to frighten your birds.” She smiled sheepishly. “I'm just here to check up on the music and it sounded wonderful.”
The Pegasus stood there, peeking shyly through her mane, her hoof nervously tapping the ground.
Midnight grinned nervously and glanced around a moment before continuing. “I'm Midnight Sparkle. What's your name?”
In a very soft voice, the Pegasus spoke. “Um... I'm Flutt...” Her voice died off to a very soft whisper.
“I'm sorry, what was that?”
The Pegasus mumbled softly and backed away.
“Didn't quite catch that.” Midnight took a small step forward.
The Pegasus, even though she was taller than Midnight, shrunk back and whimpered, looking almost frightened.
After an awkward moment of silence, Midnight noticed the birds were returning. “Well, um, it looks like your birds are back.” She stepped back a little. “So I guess everything is in order. Keep up the good work.”
The Pegasus whimpered again.
“Ooo-kay...” Midnight backed away more before retreating to where Spike had just finished eating something. “Well that was easy.”
Suddenly the Pegasus jumped up and looked excited. “Oh my! A winged serpent?” She rushed over, nearly tackling Midnight aside.
Midnight hopped aside as this odd mare started talking to her familiar. “I've never seen a winged serpent before.” Her face became one of cuteness and adoration. “He's so cute.”
Spike grinned at Midnight and in a cocky tone and a matching grin, he spoke. “Well well well.
'Oh my. He talks.” The mare looked excited. “I didn't know fathered serpents could talk. That's just so incredibly wonderful. I just don't even know what to say.” Her somewhat small dragon wings fluttered gently, but she stayed on the ground.
Snagging Spike with her magic, Midnight tossed him onto her shoulders. “Well in that case, we better be going.” She smiled and started walking away.
“Wait, wait. What's his name?” The mare started following the pair, no longer afraid or shy.
“I'm Spike.” The small snake replied, happy that SOMEPONY was paying him some attention.
“Hi Spike. I'm Fluttershy.” She beamed happily. “Wow” A talking serpent, and what do serpents talk about?”
“Well, what do you want to know?”
“Absolutely everything.”
Midnight groaned and rolled her eyes, but didn't stop Spike from having his conversation.
“...and that's the story of my whole life.” Spike finished his story just as they came within sight of the library sign.
“I am SOO sorry. Now did we get here so fast.” She grinned as she stepped around the corner.
That grin faded instantly as she saw the library sign was in front of a very large... tree.
Sure, the tree had a front door and many windows, and even a balcony, but... it was a TREE.
“What is that?” Midnight asked nopony in particular.
“That's Ponyville's library.” Fluttershy answered. “It's so sad. Old Spells Caster used to live there till he fell ill. He was taken to the hospital where he... where he...”
“Died, I'm aware of that.” Midnight sighed. “Is this where I'm going to be living?”
“Looks that way.” Spike replied.
Midnight turned to Fluttershy. “Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to walk us here.”
“Oh it was no trouble at all. I really enjoyed listening to Spike tell me all about his life.” She eyed Midnight in wonder. “Did you really create him?”
“Well, of course. It was part of my entry exam into the Arcane Academy.” Midnight replied. “Well, I have a lot of things I need to take care of so I'll be going now. Thank you again.” Midnight then headed inside, slamming the door behind her.
“Huh, rude much?” Spike glared at Midnight.
Her voice softened as she spoke. “Sorry Spike, but I have to convince the Queen that Tyrant Skyfire is coming and we're running out of time. I just need to be alone and have time to study without a bunch of crazy ponies trying to make friends all the time. Now where's the light?” She asked, looking around the oddly dark library.
At that moment, the lights came on. Streamer and balloons were everywhere. The entire library proper was filled with pony folk, many of whom were holding various noise makers. A moment later, they all yelled “SURPRISE!!!”
Midnight was only startled for a moment, then promptly face palmed.
Midnight knew she would get no studying done with this insane party going on. She walked toward the decent looking buffet table.
She then spotted a familiar pink Earth Pony skipping over.
“Surprise.” She greeted. “I'm Pinkamena and I threw this party just for you.” She sounded cheerful, but not insanely so.
“I... Must say I was very surprised. Libraries are supposed to be quiet.” She ended her sentence in a deadpan tone.
“Oh come on now. This is your welcome party. What kind of party would it be if it was quiet?” Pinkamena lead Midnight over to the buffet, and talked as they went. “Don't you remember when we first met? I mean, I guess I was just really surprised that our new town wizard is an actual Unicorn. The old one was a dried up old Earth Pony. He must have been a hundred years old.
“Two hundred actually.” Midnight said, not even realizing she had joined the conversation.
“Oh, well, that explains a lot. Anyway, When I saw you I thought you were all alone, so I invited everypony here so you could meet them and maybe make some friends.”
Midnight looked at the pink pony. “Thank you for the sentiment, but I do prefer my peace and quiet.”
“You sound like Old Spells Caster, which is an odd name really. He never did cast any actual spells.” Pinkamena replied, a pondering look oh her face. “Anyway, I threw this party all for you. Here, have something to eat. What do you like?”
Midnight looked over the buffet and frowned. There was no meat anywhere. No small sausages. No tidbits of bacon wrapped beef. Nothing. It was all baked goods, chips, dips, pop.
“Go on, have something to eat.”
“Um, I kind of have a preference for meat actually.” Midnight spoke softly, not wanting to startle anypony. She knew that there were still many who didn't think ponies should eat meat t all.
“Oh, that's at the end of the table.” Pinkamena dragged Midnight over to the small section.
Sure, it was small, but the selection looked pretty good.
“So you can eat meat too?”
Midnight blinked and looked at Pinkamena. She only now noticed the small fangs in her mouth. “Of course. At least twenty percent of Unicorns can.”
“Wow, that's so cool. I have some other friends who can eat it as well.” She waved a hand at some familiar looking ponies. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Fluttershy. “See? And they're all great ponies. I know we can be great friends.”
Midnight hung her head and sighed. “Hello again.”
They were all really nice ponies, each in their own ways. Midnight had never actually been to a party before, and she found herself having fun. So much fun that she didn't realize the time till she happened to glance at the old grandfather clock in the corner of the room.
“Three past midnight?” She sighed and found her way to a door that opened at her touch. She felt the magic and smiled. She passed through and closed the door behind her. The sound from the party didn't penetrate the solid wooden walls.
It was strange inside this tree, but clean. The walls were grown into their form as opposed to being carved. There was even beautiful, cream colored patterns, like the flows of magic, all over the walls.
She passed the living level, with a small kitchen and eating area, and a nice bathroom with all the enmities, especially the large bathtub.
The bedroom was a two level room. The lower area was a large study, living area and library all in one. A windowed door lead out onto the balcony she had seen earlier. A loft above held the bed, under a large window that faced the direction of the raising moon. The walls were either covered in patterns, or even more bookshelves.
“This looks... nice.” Midnight was actually impressed. Still, she was tired. She climbed the stairs to the bed and paused. Her clothing was still back at Rarity's Boutique. She sighed and flopped down on the bed. “Here I thought I'd have time to learn more about Tyrant Skyfire, but, silly me, all this ridiculous partying has kept me from it.”
She rubbed her temples, glad she had stayed away from the punch. She had seen some purplish pony pour something into it, and soon after, things started getting... entertaining. She was just glad she had manged to escape to where she couldn't be followed.
Tomorrow night would be the Summer Never Sun Celebration. She had all day to research, right?
To Be Continued...
Author's notes:
~Drops empty coffee cup on pinkie toe.~ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRG!!!!!!!
That is all. Thank you.
Artwork of the Mane Six can be found at inkbunny. net/annonymouse (Mind the space after the dot)