Backstory: Think not that Terra is alone in knowing the Straight Paths. Fancy not that each world that spins in the Field of Sol hath not its own Far Shores, and it’s own Hidden Way. The Straight Paths are real, and those who know their Ways can Walk them. Happy the day, and hour, that the Way is opened! Then shalt thou see, the mortal world rolls away, and thou shalt pass among the stars, even as they pass among eachother, and beyond the moons and Behind the Sun, ye shall see them: the White Shores, the Dark Forest, and beyond the Sacred Realm, High Avalon. Here all is mischance, there is providence. Here is misrule, there is justice. Here we are weak and foolish, and the ages of glory are past, but there do heroes yet live. Happy the man who fate and fortune vouchsafe the Ways! Happy the man whose life is worthy, for he may earn a place therein!
- Chronicle of Br. Alberecht, Abbey Recorder (est. MC ~51 - 125) final volume
Commentary: For all my talk against stylization obscuring characters, I went far afield for Martin, even in this redesign. But I figure that between the tiny dot-eyes for Usagi and the big-ol-bug-eyes for Martin, I split the difference and met somewhere in the middle!