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Extinction Burst

I just heard this term for the first time a few days ago.

Not extinction of a species, but of a behavior. It's a psychological term. When a subject's behavior is punished or a reward is taken away, the behavior does not cease immediately or taper off. There's a "burst" of intense effort to continue the behavior, a doubling-down. Like a toddler's tantrum when you turn off the TV or take away a toy and say it's bedtime. The mind rebels against the correction.

This typically happens any time a behavior is corrected, for better or worse. You get intense cravings for junk food when you start a diet. You feel terrible. Your body does everything it can to convince you sugar and fat is the way to go. Working to develop good study habits instead of playing video games makes video games all the more appealing.

And you know what, they say it happens in societies too, not just sentient organisms.

Last week, I read a treatise that the reason we're seeing such an intense uptick in LGBT+ hate, racism, sexism, and xenophobia is because we are living in their final throes. The toddlers are screaming, and the next step is, they tire out and go to bed, and wake up smiling and happy the next morning. And hopefully grow up to get some discipline in their ordered environment. And coincidentally last week, I noticed some dramatic departures and blowups IB by a couple of the most outspoken ultra-right-wing members of this site. People who were kicked off of FA years ago for the benefit of all, for the same behavior. They harassed other users and demographics, spread lies and hate speech, and then threw a hissy fit when those users complained and the mods finally took action. And I'm talking about years, and the lightest wrist-slapping "action." IB is a far more liberal site. They allow AI, cub art, and types of speech that are not tolerated in the least on sites like FA, DA, even Twitter (and that's a pretty low bar!). But things are changing, aren't they?

My first reaction to this concept was unease... because it really looks like the end from here, and the thought that all of this ugly behavior by human beings toward their own kind is actually a positive sign... it sort of just starts the whole terrifying ordeal over again for me. I was somewhere past bargaining, and now I'm all the way back to denial.

Now maybe you don't like politics, but politicians control your life. It's not pleasant to talk about death or cancer or asteroids destroying the planet either, but putting your own head in the sand isn't going to stop cancer patients or astronomers or families of hospice patients from having to deal with something that's in their face right now and more important to them than anything else in the world... so realize that adults are part of this community too, and red flags have been going up for some time.

Don't fool yourself about what's going on. Donald Trump is a fascist who wants to cleanse the USA of foreign and "defective" DNA. He quoted Napoleon this week. He's going to "fix the problem" of all the brown people, gay people, transsexual people, you name it. That even means you if you're a native-born citizen. When he says we need "the best and brightest, the most qualified," he means Aryan men. Right now, outspoken nazi Nick Fuentes just put two and two together and realized that losing birthright citizenship makes him an easy target for his anti-Israel statements. He's a quarter Hispanic.

Go look at Adolf Hitler's career and educate yourself about the parallels. They wrote a book about it, that you can download and read for yourself, without having to depend on Tucker Carlson or Mike Graham or JD Vance explaining to you what it says:


Fix a snack. It's nearly a thousand pages. But if you haven't at least skimmed it, or if you live in a foreign country, you have no business opining about the current events that are being ticked off that book's table of contents like video game achievements. It's not a joke. People have already started dying. Not to mention over a million deaths from the last time Trump was in office.

Our new rogue government stands for genocide and global conquest. If you stand for them, I want you gone. WE want you gone. If you're so salty about the lack of free speech here, then go make a discord like your fanboy and do whatever you want in there. Throw other people out of your forum for exercising their free speech. It's your right. And especially... especially... if you ever feel like debating the validity of civil rights with me... just don't.

If that psychologist was right about this being an extinction burst, then these people are the toddlers, their screaming is reaching peak volume, and bedtime is eventually coming. We're done with lullabyes, and we're shutting the door and letting them cry yourselves out. We're still going to work for equality and unity, and we'll be here in the morning and ready to go to the playground when they feel better about everything. But right now, if you're reading this and think I might be talking about you... nobody wants to see your disgusting hateful snot covered red face. Go to bed.
Viewed: 13 times
Added: 2 weeks, 2 days ago
2 weeks, 1 day ago
And one last thought... if you see racism, sexism, LGBT+ hate, xenophobia, or any communication here that harms someone, contact the mods. File a ticket, explain your concern. The more reports they get the better they will understand the problem.

Don't engage them. Don't write journals about them. Don't screw with their disciples. Just ban them from posting on your stuff and put your attention into something positive.
1 week, 2 days ago
You tried to initiate contact with the Roarey crew. I saw their reaction to you, including their classic victim blaming tactic. It's how they try to 'gotcha' you so they can argue with you. They want people to argue with so they have a purpose in their hate and they can claim that they weren't the ones harassing others, or say it was justified harassment. Basically, they bait you into attacking them so they can dog pile you and try to overwhelm you with numbers. They gang up because 'multiple voices means we're right!' when that's definitely not the case, it just means they're in a tiny echo chamber, and when someone enters, they can all scream at you like the cowards they are.

You're preaching to the choir because the people who need to change, who need to hear messages, are cultists who refuse to change their perspectives or ideologies, because then they'll 'turn into that which they hate'. They consider empathy a sin or a horrible thing. They want to seethe and hate and spread vitriol, because it drives their very foundation.

They're pitiful people, and should be pitied, because they will never actually understand how much suffering they cause, including their own. How much they are lied to and manipulated to be good little pawns.
1 week, 1 day ago
Yeah, I mean, someone called me "vile" and a "vessel of evil pretending at goodness to oppress the people I hate," because I wanted to know who's harmed by the notion that there's more than two genders.

Clearly someone feels harmed... which begs the question why, if these people know first-hand the harm that words can do, would they continue saying things that hurt other people?

The only rational explanation is that these people are crying out their racism and trans hate; which is therapeutic and necessary at this point. If they'd talk to me about it, maybe my opinion would change, but there's no reasoning with toddlers mid-tantrum.

Thanks for reading. It's not a pretty subject but ignoring it is making me physically ill.
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