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Ask my pokemon characters anything!

Since I've seen a lot of Q&As lately I thought I would give it a shot myself, so feel free to ask my 5 pokemon characters some questions

Charmy the Charmander (Female, was male once but now switching to female)
Glacier the Glaceon (Male)
Squirt the Squirtle (Male)
Lucky the Lucario (Female)
Bulby the Bulbasaur (Male)
Emi the Shiny Squirtle (Male)

Inspired by Lolboy4

Update: Added a new character
Viewed: 63 times
Added: 3 months, 4 weeks ago
3 months, 4 weeks ago
Hey, cool that you're doing this too!

So, Charmy, Glacier, and Squirt, how long can each of you hold your breath?
3 months, 4 weeks ago
Charmy - "I can probably stay underwater for about 10 minutes if I'm calm enough"
Squirt - "Right now? I say 13 minutes, blubby helped improve my time by a lot"
Glacier - "Eh... 9 minutes as of now, but I want to improve!"
3 months, 4 weeks ago
Man, a fire type being that close to rivaling a water type in breath holding... That's pretty impressive, Charmy!
3 months, 4 weeks ago
Charmy - "Thanks!"
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Charmy, can you swim in lava? i figured you being a fire-type might allow that
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Charmy - "I've actually never tried swimming in lava before, but I've heard a lot of fire types do it, so I might give it a try at some point!"
3 months, 3 weeks ago
all 3, what are your weaknesses?
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Charmy - "My weakness? Losing at breath holding contests, which I will never do as I just beat my big brother at it earlier!"
Squirt - "I'm not sure if I have any... but I don't like the cold, so I guess that could be considered a weakness"
Glacier - "Mine would be swimming underwater without swim goggles... it's really uncomfortable for me..."
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Glacier, what's the coldest temperature you survived?
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Glacier - "Your not gonna believe this...but I once went to the north pole one day and It was FREEZING! Like very very cold...so the coldest temperature I survived in, was -100 degrees F"
3 months, 3 weeks ago
was that Celcius or farenheit?
3 months, 3 weeks ago
3 months, 3 weeks ago
All 4 of you, if you're comfortable talking about it, have you ever run out of breath underwater before? If not, what was the closest you came to that?
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Charmy - "Oh gosh...not this question... *sigh* unfortunately I have run of breath while underwater... I only really drowned once and it was an awful experience! Thankfully some folks saw everything that happened and came to my rescue...but I was scared of the water for a while after that..."
Glacier - "It's not pretty, but I did almost drown once...thankfully managing to surface before I could inhale water"
Squirt - "Ok that's an embressing question and I rather not respond..."
Lucky - "I've drowned plenty of times in my life, but thanks to toothless's support I don't drown anymore!"
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Sorry to bring up a bad memory, Charmy. At least you're okay, right?
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Charmy - "Yep! I'm perfectly fine now! That was something I don't talk about much, but your a trustworthy and good friend to me :)"
3 months, 2 weeks ago
all 4, what's your favorite way to get a belly bloat
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Charmy - "Uhhh...I don't think I've ever had one of those before...sorry"
Squirt - "Belly bloats? Well I did drink too much water once and my stomach got big...but that was a long time ago and I've never done it again since"
Lucky - "Ummm... yeeeah I'm not answering that..."
Glacier - "I've always wanted to see what's it like to get one...maybe I'll do it with root beer since it's my favorite drink!"
3 months, 2 weeks ago
do it Glacier. anyone else care to join him?
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Glacier - "I-i would but I'm nervous..."
Lucky - "Pass..."
Charmy - "No thanks..."
Squirt - "Eh no..."
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Everyone, what are your biggest fears?
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Squirt - "I really hate nightmares... everytime I have one I almost have a panic attack when I wake up...and worst of all...they happen at least once a week! Yipe!"
Lucky - "Drowning is still my biggest fear, even tho I've drowned so much...I still don't like it..."
Charmy - "The thoughts of being alone with no one around scares me so much... I hate being all lonesome, it always makes me cry..."
Glacier - "my biggest fear is both insects and the dark, but the dark trumps above the insects... I can handle a spider...not that well, but I absolutely can't stand the dark, I always get freaked out!"
3 months, 1 week ago
Charmy, does the thought of killer posessed animatronics coming to kill you while stuck in the security office of a pizzeria in the dead of night send chills up your spine? (this is supposed to represent the Five Nights at Freddy's gameplay)
3 months, 1 week ago
Charmy - "W-what?! Yes it would!! That sounds like a nightmare! I never wanna do any of that!"
3 months, 1 week ago
Glacier, have you been encased in ice? if so, what's your story?
3 months, 1 week ago
Glacier - "Ok that's only happened one time I fell in a frozen lake and go encased in ice for 2 hours...but thankfully it didn't do any major damage to me since I'm an ice type pokemon"
3 months, 1 week ago
Lucky, if you discovered that drowning had no direct affect on you, would you be (based on that fact alone) more or less scared of it?
3 months, 1 week ago
Lucky - "I mean yeah! I would definitely be less scared if that happened! I think anyone would"
2 months, 2 weeks ago
Charmy, how did you and your friends first meet?
2 months, 2 weeks ago
Charmy - "Well we all just sort of found each other... I met Squirt when I saw him with his girlfriend, then I met Glacier later on in the day, and same with Lucky...tho I only saw her once at the flood or fact event"
1 week, 6 days ago
everyone, what is your personal pet peeve?
1 week, 6 days ago
Glacier - "I tend to hum to himself A LOT and that can bother some people quickly"
Squirt- "Um, I don't think I have one..."
Bulby - "Everytime I meet someone new, I tend to sutter quite a bit... but that's only if I'm not underwater, heh"
Emi - "Umm, rather not say..."
Charmy - "Eh, I tend to brag about winning something a little too much..."
Lucky - "Don't have one"
1 week, 6 days ago
Emi, has anyone told you to "tone it down" when you throw a fit? be honest
1 week, 6 days ago
Emi - *sigh* "Well yes... but sometimes I can't control that stuff, its just part of who i am"
1 week, 3 days ago
everyone, suppose you switched genders one day, what would you do?
1 week, 3 days ago
Squirt - "It certainly would be weird being a female...not sure would I would do..."
Emi - "If I was a female? Well... you don't wanna know..."
Glacier - "Hmmm, if I was female I would most certainly go and find some girls only clubs to hang out in"
Charmy - "I think being a male would be cool"
Bulby - "A female? Ehh, I don't really approve of that"
Lucky - "If I was male then I wouldn't be one of those rare female lucarios anymore
1 week, 2 days ago
not a question but... (cuddles them all at once)
1 week, 2 days ago
Squirt - "Awww this is sweet thank you! Don't get too attached tho"
Bulby - "Mmm this feels nice, I rarely get a cuddle..."
Charmy - "Ahhh...thank you I needed this!"
Lucky - "Thanks...this feels good!"
Glacier - "Mmmm...." *nuzzles you*
Emi - "Thank you!" *hugs*
6 days, 19 hrs ago
what's your favorite gaming console, candy and song?
6 days, 19 hrs ago
(Who is this to?)
6 days, 6 hrs ago
(all of them)
6 days, 2 hrs ago
Squirt - "Hmm my favorite console? Probably the Wii, my favorite candy? Nerds...and my favorite song...hmm that's tough, I have a lot of favorites, I probably would say Whistle by Flo Rida, it's a catchy song and it's a great Whistle lesson all in one! Haha!"
Bulby -  "I don't play video games so I couldn't tell you my favorite console, my favorite candy would probably be Hershey's...and my favorite song would be 8675309 Jenny Jenny, I know I know it's quite an old song, but I love it!"
Charmy - "The Nintendo switch is definitely my favorite console, my favorite candy would be Skittles, and my favorite song is Can't stop the feeling by Justin Timberlake! Hehe..."
Lucky - "Umm... I did play the Wii back in the day but I haven't touched a console since, I do remember liking it tho, my favorite candy would be... Milky Ways, and...I don't typically listen to music but i like rap and hip hop songs if they play somewhere else"
Glacier - "The good old Xbox 1 is my favorite console, my favorite candy is...hmm... Ooh Gummy bears! (Just don't tell my boyfriend gummigoo about that, heh) and my favorite song would be... I guess... Lights, its a nice song, forgot who wrote it tho...
Emi - "The switch is my favorite console, my favorite candy is anything chocolate related, and my favorite song is Somebody that I uses to know by gotye
5 days, 4 hrs ago
Emi, here's the situation. a chocolate eating contest is in your area and the winner gets a $500 Nintendo E-shop card. what'll it be, play or pass?
4 days, 17 hrs ago
Emi - "A chocolate eating contest?? Well I do love chocolate... so I think I would do it!"
3 days, 2 hrs ago
everybody. if you were tiny for a while, what would you want to experience submerging in?
3 days, 2 hrs ago
Everyone - "Probably honey, jinx! You all owe me a drink! Haha!"
3 days, 1 hr ago
what are each of your preferred fighting styles without powers
3 days, 1 hr ago
*everyone looks at each other and shrugs*
1 day, 22 hrs ago
all, how would you do in the world of Subnautida?
1 day, 21 hrs ago
Squirt - "Subnautida? Ohhh I've heard of that before, honestly that would be pretty scary... just a world surrounded by water...I mean I maybe a water type but even that is too much"
Emi - "Uhhh, yeah I would get outta there...lol"
Everyone else - "Never heard of that game"
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