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Attention Inkbunny, deviantArt and TLK artists!

Note that I say these things not to bash or slander (it needs to be lies to be slander, which these are not), but to protect the innocent, and keep these users from claiming more potential victims.

There's mainly a group of people on dA and Animation Source that are responsible for this behavior. They include the following users:
SassyHonks (has infiltrated inkbunny! BLOCK IMMEDIATELY)

Beware these users! They will poison you against Weaselbear and her friends!

1. They HATE unnatural colored lions. (Animation Source even made it against the rules. UGH.) Even if it's only the eyes that are an unnatural color. They also consider a lion even having a collar, an earring, or a human accessory evil, even if the character in question is in contact with humans. Which brings me to my next point...

2. They HATE when you humanize the characters. Not only when you make them humans, or reimagine them in different forms, but also making them ACT human, such as living in a house, playing video games, or going on the internet. And they HATE lionizations of characters from other media, no matter how well it's drawn.

3. They HATE when you ship a character with ANYONE either non-canon, or non-lion. They also apparently believe lions cannot be friends with any non lion animal, as it's not "realistic". (They also despise Ligers, even though those are real) Oh, did I mention they're also rabid homophobes?

4. If you can't draw EXACTLY like a professional or a Disney Screenshot, you automatically qualify to be made fun of on their hate blog (which I'll get into more later). And they absolutely DEMONIZE bases. Like, way more than any other fandom does. (Ironic considering SassyHonk's art looks mostly traced, as does KashimusPrime's, AND KashimusPrime's "sona" is basically just a recolor of Zira anyways)

5. Apparently lion OCs MUST have Swahili names, or else they suck. :/Also they MUST be related to a canon character.

6. If you're drawing something from MLP or Mario or ANYTHING non-TLK, and you make a reference to a scene from the movie, or song lyrics, or even if you name a non TLK OC Simba, THEY WILL FIND YOU AND CHEW YOU OUT. I have witnessed this occur, so I'm NOT exaggerating.

7. Apparently drawing hate "art" that makes fun of people doing any of the above is "more mature" than actually doing any of the above. Nazis AND Hypocrites. And if you try to call them out on it they pull that "WUT? ITZ SATIRE!" bullshit on you. News flash, SATIRE DOESN'T HURT PEOPLE. What these losers are doing DOES. UPDATE: They steal people's collabs for hate "art" and hide behind "DURR ITS F2U" excuse.

8. If you are caught by these nazis doing any of the above, they will feature your art on their hate blog, which is basically just TLK art featuring yaoi/yuri, less than professional art, comments of people defending themselves (twisting the words around to make it look worse than it is) and basically anything they just don't like. And in order to do this, they not only stalk your page (even after you've blocked them), but they stalk your FAVORITES. That's right, your FAVORITES.

9. If they attack you and you defend yourself they will do ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING to twist your words around and turn you into the bad guy. They hold grudges like you would not BELIEVE. It can get so bad as to even when you admit to a mistake, or say something that's universally true, they will call your apology "half-assed" or will disagree with your truth, if only because it's YOU SAYING IT. If someone else were to do the exact same thing they'd be fine with it because that person doesn't draw anything they don't like. This is what happened to my best friend, who deactivated her account because of those monsters. They are also SUPER paranoid, as they think that an unrelated pic posted minutes after a rant MUST have something to do with it and must therefore be made fun of.

10. BE VERY CAUTIOUS, even if they seem like they're acting nice or courteous towards you, IT'S ALL AN ACT. If they are talking to you PERIOD, your art is most likely on their shitty hate blog as we speak. They are manipulative and deceptive, which is why no one else in the fandom hates them. They are brainwashed and haven't caught on to their hidden agenda yet.

If you want to keep tabs on their temper tantrums that they're too chickenshit to post on dA, check out their hate blog here. laughable-lion-king-art.tumblr….
Make sure to warn anyone AT ONCE if you find their art or posts on this blog so they know these users are spreading shit behind their backs. Expose these satan spawns for who they are.

Viewed: 32 times
Added: 6 years, 1 month ago
6 years, 1 month ago
everything about this Journal is so right and so perfect like honestly. I'm so glad you made this. those person really need a reality check that they are being the bullies in most of the situations they put themselves in.
6 years, 1 month ago
Exactly! They're just too self-absorbed and arrogant to see that what they are doing is MORALLY WRONG.
6 years, 1 month ago
I agree they think being canon nazis is totally fine and justified because they feel is logically correct even though most of the stuff they stuff doesn't even make any sense and try a big deal out of something when they don't need to be since people they attack are not even hurting anyone and feel they have the right to assume stuff about people when they really know nothing about them at all.
6 years, 1 month ago
Very very true
6 years, 1 month ago
(sorry didn't see this reply)
But yeah these people need to stop telling others what to do with there art,and stop trying to "keep logic" in a Movie and now tv series that never had any real logic, to begin with
6 years, 1 month ago
(lol I accidentally didnt press the reply button)
Yes I agree. It's called fiction for a reason, amirite?
6 years, 1 month ago
(heh its fine, also how have you been?)
yeah for us it is fiction and doesn't affect our world at all and they need to stop acting like it is the end of the world and realize there are better things to complain than what someone on the internet is drawing.
6 years, 1 month ago
Indeed. I've been so-so. Just occupied with IRL friend stuff. Either having fun with them or comforting them cuz of family stuff.
6 years, 1 month ago
ahh I see I have been the same, just been wondering if we were still having our conversation in notes or if you have a discord now
6 years, 1 month ago
I do have a discord actually if you wanted to join. I'll pm it to you just in case.
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