I can finally show this fella! Zircon the Echidna is a tri-genetic offspring of Knuckles and Silver, in which Silver worked as a living sperm bank for a random surrogate female. His and Knuckles' genetics overrode any of the surrogates, effectively making him their child.
Zircon comes from a timeline in which Knuckles was killed while he was developing a crush on his father. In desperation, he and his brother Rhordan sought out the Chaos Emeralds, traveling through time and space, finding a younger version of Knuckles with a harem of guys. It's not long before the two of them join the harem.
Being the child of Knuckles and Silver, Zircon has some degree of telekinesis and chaos sensing, but it's not as strong as Knuckles. He has doubts about being a successful guardian, but does his best to make Knuckles proud. He routinely participates in Olympic events to test his strength and skills.
This sporty lad was a Breeding Grid Adopt from MantisClownis!