Another comic I made using "ComiPo!". :) Collette is taking a walk in the park when her phone rings. It's her BF, Yue, who sounds somewhat panicky. Naturally Collette is worried, but ends up hanging up on Yue after it turns out Yue just called to ask her a goofy question XD. This idea randomly came to me one morning when I was trying to figure out a funny question to ask my sister. The question references a song called "Mele Kalikimaka", and the actual lyric Yue's question is referring to is "Mele Kalikimaka is the thing to say on a bright Hawaiian christmas day". You all can see the full lyrics here if you want:
This comic stars my ComiPo characters; * Collete Kasuka (the girl with blonde hair) * Yue Amana (Calling Collette)