Several years ago, a young hacker named Simon Rhyder was caught accidently hacking into a secure mainframe. Pleading guilty to lower his sentence, Simon has been doing everything he can to try and endure his life behind bars, no matter how good or bad, however, as fortune would have it, he his good behavior allows him the opportunity to get an early parole thanks to Svengali, a lawyer who no one has ever heard. Once outside, Simon quickly comes to grips with the fact that nothing is what it seems, as soon enough he is dragged into a conflict with gene splicer - individuals who have taken a special serum to become animal-like hybrids - terrorists, the world government and their agents, and finally alien invaders.
Survival quickly becomes Simon's greatest concern after this, and luckily enough he is quick witted enough to know how to manipulate the system, both real and digital, to be able to get himself out of the nightmare that is his new life...or so he hopes.
It will be up to you to guide him forward, however be aware that the forces within the world are poised to either use or eliminate Simon thanks to his current position, and worse yet, someone...or something else has its eyes of the young hacker with the intention to command him in both body and soul.
- Contains Fantasy Violence, Strong Language, Strong Sexual Content of which includes, but is not limited to (Voyeurism, Anal Sex, Masturbation, and lots of Cumshots).
- Play in both the real world and the cybernetic world!
- Customizable Skills For Players, with options to purchase multiple abilities for your draconic robot companion
- 8+ NSFW Scenes to unlock!
- Multiple Endings
- Turn Based Combat
- Numerous Daily Missions which will allow you to see your character in various industries, all which are fully stylized with A.I. Art