A Dante's Inferno commission drawn by my awesome fren DosUmis. The furry Antifa mascot Tifa ended up in the 3rd ring of the 7th circle of Dante's hell (Violence against god/art/nature). The first ring of Violence (river of boiling blood) is already taken, but since Antifa tend to be shit at carrying out their threats of violence, and also tend to be vandals and overall degenerates, violence against art it is~ ō3ō If you'd like something similar, DosUmis still has plenty of Inferno slots open and is pretty much always open for any other commissions.
If you don't associate with or count yourself among self-described Antifa members who encourage or engage in threats of violence, assault/battery, harassment, destruction of property and/or overall degeneracy, this picture is not directed at you.
Tifa is a public character and is free for personal and commercial use.