After going so long without drawing and feeling anguished at my lack of momentum, I wanted to finally get back into the game after a very frustrating absence. I thought, then: what should I be drawing, anyways? Clearly diks! Or, more specifically, a dapper dik-dik!
This handsome fellow is Ansley Madoqua, an Assistant Director for Owlstate Insurance Group. He's also very smol, all of 2'10" tall! Be sure to be very polite and congenial with him, as a dapper little gentleman like him deserves respect!
Ansley is an OC of a good friend of mine--and when I spied a dik-dik photo with a simply FABLOUS little fluffy 'hairdo' inspiration struck and I was off to the tablet at long last.
I cannot begin to express how relieved and satisfied I am to have this to upload; these past few months have been so busy to the point that I had gotten so little momentum with drawing that it was torturous and downright upsetting! Big big hugs to those who have kept with me and supported me, I am ecstatic to finally have several burdens off my shoulders such that I can FINALLY hit the ground running drawing again. Big smooches to you all!
I have a time-lapse gif for this that sort of jumps abruptly at the end--because once I got to sit down and get cracking tonight, I just had to -go- and didn't stop.
Thank you so much, I can't begin to express how relieved and ecstatic I am to finally finish a piece again after months of being so busy and frustrated. You inspire me always!
Thank you so much, I can't begin to express how relieved and ecstatic I am to finally finish a piece