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Bangam Academy Series

Hello everyone,

I plan to start releasing new pieces starting next week. But I want to confess now that I do not know if/when I will finish up on the last series. I'm in a pickle with that piece as I was not happy with the direction it went and need to figure out what I want to do with it. Sorry to anyone that wants to see how it concludes. I might pick it back up in the future just to finish it since it was near the end but I will admit now that its a struggle to figure out just the right way to finish it since it evolved into something I wasn't expecting.

Now onto the true reason for this journal. I am reviving the actual Bangam Academy Series. Yes the one that everyone remembers from five years ago that had four books in it. I will admit that series went in a direction I didn't expect either and after some soul searching I decided to revisit that universe. We will be returning to a series that actually revolves around the characters at the academy. I'm taking more time to work on the universe and how things work in it but we've already knocked out the first few chapters. I like how its coming out so far and can't wait to start releasing this series starting in May. The plan is May 1st for the first chapter to be dropped with possibly the second being dropped on Saturday. There will be at least one chapter dropped a week with the possibly of two if I feel that a second can be done that week. My goal is to always be at least two chapters ahead in drafts than what has been released that way I'll be able to spend more time on a chapter revising it before release.

My personal goal with this series besides seeing Chip and the others in a variety of battles, classes and sex scenes is to bring better quality content. Won't be easy and I won't get it right all the time but that is the goal.

I will though give you a small teaser to what is to come:

Chapter 1


Nestled at the crossroads of diverse landscapes, Port Lore was known as the city of the ancients. A mysterious and enchanting place, it was a stark contrast between the fiery depths of the endless desert dunes that glimmered under the scorching sun and the lively hustle and bustle of the bustling harbor where traders and their Pokémon from distant lands gathered. The city itself, like a precious gem, was cradled between these extremes with ancient stone walls guarding its coastal border. As one ventured beyond its gates, they were met with a dramatic change in scenery - the once barren desert transformed into a lush forest that marked the entrance to Mysticfell's mysterious central region. The air was thick with an ancient energy, beckoning explorers to discover its secrets and embrace its wild beauty.

Darious Stormbreed, a lively Rockruff hailing from the wild Thunder Plains in northern Mysticfell, paused on a hill overlooking Port Lore. The city's vibrant marketplaces and bustling boardwalk were a far cry from the peaceful and rugged terrain of his homeland. As a member of the Thunderfang Pack, descendants of Raikou the Thunderhound's followers, Darious wholeheartedly believed in the legends passed down through the generations. His belief was strengthened by a rare encounter with the mythical Raikou himself.

His encounter with Raikou had shattered his mundane and peaceful life in the Thunder Plains, igniting a desire for knowledge and adventure beyond his comfort zone. Upon learning that Bangam Academy was accepting new students, he didn't hesitate to make the journey to Port Lore on the coast, where he could board a Lapras ferry bound for Hearthglen City and, more importantly, Bangam Academy.

As he watched the sun rise over the horizon, Darious couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the morning. He had left his homeland, with its familiar sights and scents, in search of something new and exciting. The promise of adventure and knowledge at Bangam Academy was enough to lure him away from the comfort of his pack's wild home and into the heart of an ancient civilization surrounded by lush wilderness.

Lost in thought, Darious was brought back to reality by a rustling sound coming from the nearby forest. Curiosity getting the better of him, he made his way towards the edge of the trees, leaving behind the arid outskirts for the cool, shaded underbrush. The contrast was refreshing, a vibrant green mosaic that seemed to hum with life unlike anything he had encountered before.

In the dappled sunlight filtering through the canopy, Darious caught sight of a flash of tan and purple fur. Intrigued, he cautiously approached the creature, his friendly nature shining through despite not knowing what type of Pokémon it may be. As he got closer, Darious could see that it was a four-legged Pokemon with a long snout and pointed ears, almost resembling a dog in some ways.

"Whoa...what kind of Pokemon are you?" Darious asked as he drew near. The creature turned to look at him with large purple eyes and blinked curiously.

"I could ask you the same thing. What kind of greeting is that?" The tan-purple Pokemon replied with a hint of sass in its voice.

Darious couldn't resist smiling at this sassy little Pokemon. "I'm Darious Stormbreed, a curious and adventurous Rockruff from the Thunderfang pack. And you are?"

"I'm Chip, a Zorua," replied the Pokemon with a small flutter of its ears. "You seem confused; have you never seen a Zorua before?"

"Nope, you're the first one I've ever encountered. And honestly, I've never seen any Pokemon like you before. You look like a mix between a dog and a fox."

"I am a fox," Chip clarified, twitching its ears again. "Don't you have any foxes where you come from? Maybe Vulpix or Nickit?"

Darious thought for a moment before shaking his head. "No, nothing like that back home. But now that I think about it, most foxes do live in forests or low plains near forests. My pack's home in the highland plains area, so that's probably why."

"I see. So what brings a plains dog like you down to the lower lands?" Chip asked curiously.

"I came here to expand my horizons. I had an encounter with the legendary dog Raikou, lord of the plains," Darious replied proudly, letting out a small pant as he remembered his adventure. After getting injured while trying to protect his pack's land from invading outlaw dogs, Raikou had appeared and saved him with lightning speed. The legendary dog had then advised Darious to go on a journey and learn more about himself and the world around him.

"That's quite a story. Hard to believe, but you don't seem like the type to make things up. You seem genuine," commented Chip, hanging onto every word of Darious' tale with interest.

Darious' tail wags happily as he thanks Chip for the compliment. The puppy is not used to receiving such kind words back home.

"Really? You don't get compliments in your pack?" asks Chip, curious about Darious' response.

"Nope. Dogs are expected to be tough and compliments are only given if we do something impressive. I hardly ever received any." Darious sighs before asking, "So why are you here, Chippy?"

"It's just Chip," corrects the Zorua as he scratches his ear. "I received an invitation to join Bangam Academy and I want to learn how to fight and carve my own path in life. Plus, there might be some cute partners there too." Chip grins.

Darious' excitement rises when he learns that they are both headed to the same place. He tries to get closer to Chip, but the fox pulls away slightly. "No way! I'm also going to Bangam Academy!" Darious exclaims, his tail wagging enthusiastically. "I'll probably be the first plains dog in a long time, maybe ever, to attend. The legendary Bangam Blacktail is there and I want to learn from him and the other top fighters so I can go back home one day and show my pack that we're capable of more than just being wild dogs."

"Wow," says Chip with a slight blush, "That's amazing. Why don't we travel together? The road can get lonely sometimes and...I wouldn't mind being around someone as strong as you." Chip looks away for a moment before Darious notices him tilting his head. It's not often that someone as cute as this fox offers himself up like that.

"Whoa, do you want to be mates or something?" Darious asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Huh? NO!" Chip gasps, blushing even harder. "I just...wanted to see if you wanted to travel to Port Lore together...you know, as friends." Chip closes his eyes for a moment, trying to compose himself. "You stupid mutt."

"Mutt?!" Darious barks defensively, digging his paws into the dirt. "I'm not a stupid mutt! I may act scattered-brained sometimes, but I'm an intelligent puppy." Suddenly, an idea pops into Darious' head. "Hey Chip, why don't you be my partner? Show me how much you want big strong Darious by your side." A smirk forms on Darious' muzzle.

"If you're going to act like that..." Chip starts to say before being cut off by Darious.

"Well, it is a battle academy after all. Why don't we have a friendly fight and see who's stronger?" suggests Darious with a playful smile, his tail still wagging behind him. Chip seems hesitant.

"You want to fight me...?" Chip looks down at his paws. "You've traveled so much and learned how to fight in the highlands. Then you survived on your own all the way down here. There's no way some...pussy forest fox like me can beat you. You're too strong."

"So?" responds Darious, brushing up against Chip once more before the Zorua moves away again. "What's wrong with that?"

"Would you stop invading my personal space?" Chip snaps, trying to maintain some distance between them.

"Wow, are all forest Pokemon this uptight?" Darious teases, snickering as he gets swiped at by Chip.

"Stop being an asshole!" Chip retorts, clearly annoyed by Darious' behavior.

Darious smirks as he notices that Chip does have a bit of a spine under all that fluff. Maybe he can be good for more than just a good time. Secretly, Darious does have desires for Chip but he'll hold off on acting on them...for now. It's more fun to make them beg for it.

This is about a quarter of Chapter 1. Hope you enjoyed the preview. More to come next week.
Viewed: 39 times
Added: 5 months, 1 week ago
5 months ago
If this is suddenly being revived, what are you doing with Lore of Mysticfell? Will it be on the back burner for now? Is that wise? You're almost done with it's first book after all, I think.

Also, I remember it was promised that you'd introduce Hathor in this 5th book. That still the plan?

Also, I remember you introducing the concept of what appeared to be Inari within Bangam Academy, just before Mysticfell materialized as a series. Whatcha gonna do with that?

And to comment on the snippet, which appears to be a retelling of a specific set of events at the beginning of the first book of Bangam Academy... I don't remember things happening quite like that, even if it were from Darious' perspective. (I remember Darious tackling Chip on their first meeting, to give an example) How much of the story is gonna be retcon'd or rewritten?

(I have many other questions but I'll try not to overwhelm you)
5 months ago
One thanks for all the support, takes a lot to read through everything.

Alright so I’ll start answering your questions.

1) Plans for Lore of Mysticfell. Lore of Mysticfell will be on the back burner at the moment. I could just “force” and ending to the first book but it won’t be my best work and I don’t want to disrespect the book or those who read it by giving them shit. If I figure ou a good way to wrap it up that doesn’t feel forced then I’ll finish it up.

2) This new one is taking place in Mysticfell. If I remember right I never created a region for the old Academy series and it was just in the Pokemon world. This one is taking place in Mysticfell. In fact Mysticfell is pretty much the “world” that everything is taking place in all the time from no one unless told otherwise. Mysticfell is the region everyone lives in with other regions being out there like Destiny which is where some other interesting events are taking place at. This version is bringing everyone back, Hathor is in it, Alister, to name a few.

3) The Shadow Pokemon concept is not being thrown away. I do plan to have it follow into this version. I just need to make sure it makes sense with what is happening but it shouldn’t be an issue.

4) The snippet is inspired from their first meeting but it is somewhat different as well. This story might have some things from the other version but its going to be its own thing as well which you will soon see. My main goal with this story is to not make the same mistakes I did in the last two series.

If you have more questions you can always ask and I’ll answer them as I see fit.

Thanks again.
5 months ago
So this is essentially another rewrite? If so, I really wouldn't mind if this turned into a prequel for Lore of Mysticfell, which btw, you did a pretty good job on. It had a direction you wanted it to take, and I feel it really benefitted as a result. And the prequel would benefit from not only having a direction, but an end goal, that being, being continuous with the start of Lore of Mysticfell. You've provided most if not all of the source material you'd ever need to put this together.

Is the provided snippet set in stone? It could use a lot more world building if this is meant to start from the very beginning. I understand world building would take a while, but it's absolutely worth it. World building was the corner stone of your original rewrite of Bangam Academy and kept someone like me interested in the narrative, even as the continuity got worse over time. (I still remember you had a mechanic where Chip and Amber needed to be within a certain distance of eachother because of their nature as a duel soul, and I remember it got ignored/forgotten at the very end with Chip being teleported half way across the map with seemingly no consequences)

I just really enjoyed how thoroughly described and documented everything in Bangam Academy was. Still not sure how continuity kept slipping, considering that.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Oh that was just a snippit, what I had cooking at the time. Its already been fixed up, alot...like so much it doesn't exist in that sense anymore. The early chapters are getting fleshed out and fixed up alot. I close to starting to release the early chapters. I plan to start releasing when I'm a few good chapters in strong and they've gone through the rework at least two if not three times getting fleshed out. I don't expect them to be "perfect" upon release but hopefully stronger than previous works. This is the series I want to start and completely finish.

World building is the big reason this is taking a bit longer than normal to bring out and is also a reason that the first Act keeps getting reworked. That snippit doesn't exist anymore because I've gone back and reworked it at least twice now. Like Darious has a pretty big back story, one that is more fleshed out and is kind of sad. Darious has a pretty sad backstory and reason for why he's not in his pack anymore. That reasoning though drives him forward.

I will say that I slightly regret releasing the Prelude/ Prologue already since I would love to take it back and rework it with the redefined "World." If I do so I'll attach it to Chapter 1 and put a note that says "this" is the canon version the Prologue. That is one thing about fanfiction is that unlike normal stories we release them in chapters and as such might not flesh everything out right away. But want to get it out there for the fans and then go, "damn I wish I could take that back." Thats how I feel about the prologue since things are so much more fleshed out now. But like I said if I take back the prologue I'll give you guys the "canon" version as part of Chapter 1.

Which is going to make Chapter 1 so long since its already over 5k words and its only gone through the revisioning once. The first time it was revisioned it was 3.5k words and now its 5k. And that was all because of the world building.

Ok I dragged this one on. I'm not giving a hard, hard date but chapter one most likely will be dropped by the middle of the month. Little nervous for it, but excited to see it get out there as well since there is a great story to be told  and you guys will enjoy reading it as much as I'm enjoying writing it.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Hey, if you regret releasing that snippet, then I don't expect it to make it into the final product, and I certainly wouldn't want it there either. :P
4 months, 2 weeks ago
You make great stories ❤
4 months ago
I have rough idea for 5 and 6 Bangam Academy books: i want more Ruby and Radiance stories like how doing they things post-wedding and what Ruby and Radiance relationship with their respective families, friends and enemies.

speaking of enemies, hey Lightsoul, another idea for overarching (true and real) villain of Bangam Academy (that should be defeated, killed for good and his grave will turned into public urinal which is something Meadow suggested she and her friends should collectively urinate and piss on traitor’s tombstone) is Karis the Darkai-turned-Umbreon
3 months, 3 weeks ago
I do have a true villain cooked up for the series. I was suppose to introduce him in the last last storyline but didn't get around too it which was good. That means I can use them here. So got you for that. As for Karis, he is returning and we'll see what kind of role he plays here. But there is a "true" villain who will make their appereance. If that appearance happens in this story...we'll see. I won't give anything away.

As for Ruby and Radiance, they are VERY, VERY, VERY MUCH coming back in this one. In fact the way its shaping up they will play a big role in it. The only thing I don't want them doing here is taking over the narrative again like in the old one. That is the only thing I don't want happening since this story is about Chip and the gang and not them. But as I was outlining this story I realized how much the legendary Pokemon play in this series and their connection to the artifacts and lore of Mysticfell as a whole. Plus with the amount of characters who have legendary blood in them, if their not in the series it won't honestly be "Lore of Mysticfell" which is the world this series takes place in.

I will hit at this....

There will be a party, Ruby and Radaince are hosting it...and Neoral is cleaning up the mess
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