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Aventuras en Confuror (Español/English)

ESPAÑOL (English below)

Confuror 2019 se ha convertido en una de mis convenciones favoritas, y no tuve que viajar muy lejos para poder vivir tal experiencia, únicamente unos 20 minutos de mi casa.
No es la única convención en la que soy staff, pero sí es a la que más participo siendo staff, con cosas que van más allá únicamente de arte. Por lo que ver que en lo que estuve trabajando de a gratis por horas, y ver los resultados tan magníficos, donde toda la gente se divirtió, tuvo el tiempo de su vida, conocieron a tantas nuevas personas, y se la pasaron tiempos que recordarán por el resto de su vida… se vuelve realmente satisfactorio.

Antes de que Confuror ocurriera, una semana antes, vinieron a visitarme
y Polaris Beaver. A quienes llevamos a turistearlos
y yo por los alrededores de Guadalajara, fuimos a Tlaquepaque, a Chapala y a Ajijic. También recogimos del aeropuerto a Skippy Fox y Kitt, y a todos ellos los llevamos a que conocieran el centro de Guadalajara, un día particularmente bonito, y hasta les tocó ver un poco de la romería, una celebración que se le hace a la virgen de Zapopan. De igual forma recogimos a Pepper Coyote, Gnaw y a Tony Bear del aeropuerto. En fin, que ha sido la vez que más veces hemos ido al aeropuerto en tan pocos días.

El jueves llegamos al hotel, nuestra idea era pasar al registro por nuestro badge, ir al super a comprar insumos para el fin de semana, y después ir a cenar. Pero todos los planes cambiaron y se revolvieron cuando tuvimos que esperar como 2 horas para que nuestros compañeros recogieran su badge, y a nosotros nos dieron un badge temporal porque no les habían llegado aún las badges de todos los del staff. (De hecho, las recibimos hasta el sábado en la noche). Definitivamente se tiene que hacer algo al respecto para resolver las filas tan largas en los registros para los siguientes años.

Esa noche, le celebramos el cumpleaños a Kazan, con un pastel de tres leches y flan (¡muy rico!). Solo había llevado platos y servilletas, pero nunca se me ocurrió que necesitaríamos cubiertos, y vaya que, con un pastel tan aguado, los necesitábamos. Roni tuvo la gran idea de improvisar algunos cubiertos, recortando una botella de plástico. (Life hacks)

Fueron mis últimos momentos de tranquilidad y de poder darme el lujo de no hacer nada durante la convención, porque desde el día 1, no descansaba hasta que llegaba la hora de dormir (como a eso de las 3 o 4am)

Día 1: viernes 13 de octubre
Viernes y Sábado tenía que estar en el Artist Alley, como muchos pudieron darse cuenta, estuve muy poco tiempo ahí, fue más Roni quien me estuvo ayudando vendiendo productos míos, muchas gracias a quienes pasaron a saludarlo y a pedirle autógrafos, yo sentía feo de que él estuviera ahí sentado mientras ocurría gran parte de la convención (que es como casi siempre ocurre conmigo en otras convenciones, aunque yo me la paso bien, porque estoy vendiendo mis propios productos), pero me dice que él se la pasó de maravilla y que tiene muchas ganas de seguirme ayudando en futuras convenciones de la misma forma. Me alegra mucho.

Lo primero fue la sorpresa de que me requerían para la ceremonia de apertura, un pequeño performance en fursuit relacionado a una papaya, de la cual ya hasta me hicieron meme. Muchas gracias, Confuror.
Y como la ceremonia de apertura terminó justo a las 12, cuando yo ya tenía que dar mi primer panel, tuve que ir en fursuit.

Mi primer panel fue una actividad sobre dibujo, el cual había hecho primero en Fur-Eh, y ahora lo traje para Confuror, en el cual hubo mucha más participación (cerca de 50 asistentes). Los ponía a crear, entre varias personas, a personajes disparatados y tiras cómicas sin sentido. Afortunadamente no teníamos ningún otro panel la siguiente hora, por lo que pudimos extendernos una hora más, ya que todos sentían que una hora fue muy poco para esa actividad.

Yo no sé a dónde se iba el tiempo, porque según yo, tenía dos horas libres después de mi panel, pero solo pude ir a quitarme el fursuit, comer algo muy rápido en el Burger King de enfrente, y regresar porque ya iba a empezar un panel que no me quería perder: Parody Sing-Along con
, donde ocurrió una bonita coincidencia.
, desde Texas, me regaló un peluche del castor de la gasolinera Buc-ee’s, entregándomela al verme llegar al panel de Max, y la primera canción que cantó Max fue “I am a big Beaver”, parodia de la canción “I’m a believer” de The Monkees.

En el panel “A Guide to Being a Fox” de Majira, Fox Amoore y Kiwi Fox. Majira me subió al escenario para hacerme ver que yo podría ser perfectamente un zorro (Mentiras, los pandas son mejores).

Y hasta el final del día, fue hora de nuestro Viernes Furry en Vivo, el cual pueden verlo en Youtube, fue verdaderamente muy divertido, muchas gracias a todos los que asistieron y nos hicieron juntar $1,943.50 mxn y $28 usd para la caridad: https://youtu.be/9vms_bBXCx0

Día 2: sábado 12 de octubre
Las tres primeras horas del Artist Alley por fin pude atenderlas yo mismo, pues Roni tuvo que ir a presentar los Fursuit Games, pude darme cuenta lo bien vendidas que estaban las playeras de Viernes Furry (ese mismo sábado en la mañana se acabaron) y el gran éxito que tuvieron los badges de Paws, Maws, Tummies y Tails que estaba vendiendo, y apenas empezó el día y se acabaron los badges de Paws. También aproveché, antes de que se abriera oficialmente el artista alley, para comprar algunos productos a otros artistas, entre ellos a Alma Lilia de Perros de Agua, y a Kimi.

Justo terminaron los Fursuit Games, Roni regresó a la mesa, y yo tuve que ir por algo de comer, porque después de eso tenía mis pocas últimas horas libres del fin de semana, las cuales las aproveché para visitar el cuarto de Majira y Kiwi. Planeábamos salir al centro de convenciones para fursuitear juntos con el bote para juntar dinero para la caridad, pero en vez de ser Paco Panda, Majira me prestó su fursuit.
Si yo pensaba que cuando salía en fursuit, era difícil caminar por los que me piden foto, estaba en un gran error. Ser Majira es eso, elevado a la décima potencia. Apenas se abrió el elevador al centro de convenciones, y nos quedamos más de 10 minutos tomándonos fotos. A mí me encanta poder convivir con la gente y jugar con ella mientras uno es un gigantesco animal bobo, es algo que disfruto muchísimo, y es también algo que intenté hacer mientras yo era Majira, aunque aumentaba un poco la dificultad porque mientras convivía con los chicos que saludaban y que querían foto, otros ya querían también tener su tiempo.
Muchos no notaron que ese Majira era más bajito de lo normal, e incluso alguien me dijo “Oh Majira, era verdad que eres muy alto”, cuando en realidad era alguien de mí mismo tamaño. Pero muchos sí que lo notaron, y para confirmar que sus dudas no eran erróneas, comenzaba a hablar en español, lo cual recibió muchas reacciones graciosas. Pero hubo una chica la cual se emocionó muchísimo, gritó y abrazó a Majira, y pude ver como corrían lágrimas de sus ojos, que no pude romperle la magia, así que imité la voz de Majira y le decía cosas bonitas en inglés, y ella se fue más que feliz.
No terminó ahí, me puse a guiar una conga alrededor del dealers den, me hicieron bailar como Pennywise, seguía brincando de aquí para allá, hasta que de pronto perdí por completo mis energías, pero para poder regresar de donde estábamos a los elevadores, todavía teníamos que pasar por muchas personas que querían saludarlo o tomarle fotos, y nunca he podido decirle a alguien que no.

No solo era que ya estaba agotado, también que ya pronto iba a empezar el panel de Preguntas y Respuestas a Majira, y había quedado con que yo iba a ayudar con la traducción de las preguntas a inglés y las respuestas a español. No es nada fácil, es de las cosas más difíciles que existen, porque no solo es poner completa atención a lo que dicen y al contexto, sino además de memorizar todo lo que dicen para poderlo repetir al otro idioma. No fue traducción simultánea, más bien, tenía que esperar a que terminaran de hablar para traducir lo que dijeron, pues mi traducción también terminó siendo parte de lo divertido del show. Al principio, estaba sudando mucho, sentía que todo el público me juzgaba, porque la gran mayoría presente, hablaban tanto español como inglés, y pensaba que, si hacía una traducción incorrecta o incompleta, podrían molestarse, pero después me dejó de importar y traté de hacerlo lo más divertido posible.

Después de ese evento, y de firmar muchos autógrafos en la parte trasera del conbook, llegué como 30 minutos tarde al panel de Creating Character Voices de Max DeGroot, el cual estuvo interesantísimo y muy bien recibido.
Tuve que ir a comer algo rápido antes de que comenzara el concierto de Foxes & Peppers, el cual estuvo muy lleno, con personas de pie (no hubo asientos), y un show excelente, donde no solo cantaron muchos de sus éxitos, sino también algunos pocos covers, entre ellos La Bamba y Cielito Lindo (con letra modificada por Pepper).

Día 3: domingo 13 de octubre.
Último día y me doy cuenta que va a ser mi día más ocupado de todo el fin de semana, donde no voy a tener ni un solo momento de tiempo libre. Comenzando con que el fursuit parade empezaba a las 9am. Yo pensé que por ser tan temprano, no muchos irían, pero vaya que todos querían estar en la foto grupal, la cual fue enfrente de la fuente de la Minerva, muy bonita toma, pero cómo nos agotamos, especialmente por tener el sol justo atrás de nosotros.  

Tuve que ir a secar rápidamente mi fursuit para que estuviera listo para mi próximo panel, las charadas de fursuits, las cuales decidí presentarlas completamente en inglés, pero como yo iba a ser el presentador, no podía estar en fursuit, pero sí que quería que Paco Panda jugara, por lo que le presté mi fursuit a Polaris para que él fuera yo.

Fueron unos juegos muy divertidos, mucho más exitosos de lo que yo pensé. Fueron 16 fursuiters jugando en 4 equipos: Paws, Maws, Tummies y Tails. En cada uno había alguien que yo conocía muy bien. En el equipo Paws estaba
, en el equipo Maws estuvo Oatmeal, en el equipo Tummies estuvo Paco Panda (mi yo espiritual), y en el Tails estuvo Brainfreeze. El equpo Tails estuvo en último lugar, mientras que el equipo Paws ganó con 28 puntos, y el Maws quedó en segundo lugar con 27.

Después de las charadas, pude, por primera vez en todo el fin de semana, darme una vuelta por el dealers den (sin fursuit). Donde me puse a comprar muchos artículos y platicar con muchos de los artistas que no había podido ver en todo el evento. Me perdí el concurso de baile porque, además que iba a ser mi único momento para pasearme por el lugar de ventas, me habían dicho que estaba a reventar y que nadie más podía entrar a ver el concurso.

Justo terminó el concurso y tuve que acomodar ese mismo salón para que pudiera ser posible el evento de Garabatos para la Caridad, donde cité a 8 fursuiters: Koidel,
, Sky the skunk, Brainfreeze, Max, Franko, Majira y Kiwi, les di un bonche de crayones, y se pusieron a dibujar a los que quisieran un dibujo de ellos, pero más que comisiones, fueron garabatos, incluso de palitos y bolitas, y la gente donaba lo que quisieran para poder obtener un dibujo de ellos, esas donaciones fueron para la caridad, al final del día juntamos $3,962mxn y $50usd, muchísimo más de lo que me imaginé que juntaríamos.
El evento ya había terminado y muchos fursuiters seguían dibujando, y ya se estaba preparando el salón para la subasta para la caridad, fue un pequeño momento de estrés tanto el montar este evento como desmontarlo, pero al final me llevé una gran satisfacción de que entre todos juntáramos tal cantidad, y que los fursuiters se divirtieron mucho dibujando.

Me quedé a la subasta de caridad, porque yo había donado dos cuadros impresos, el primero de ellos, que fue el poster que hice para la convención, llegó en $800 mxn, pero el segundo, que fue uno que hice para BLFC del 2017, llegó a $5,600 pesos, algo que tampoco me imaginaba.

Para la ceremonia de clausura, Jib Kodi había preparado un video promocionando el tema del siguiente año, en el cual algunos amigos ayudamos para las voces. La gente se volvió loca cuando se presentó el video, aunque hubo un error de coordinación, porque se supone que después del video, saldrían unos luchadores al escenario, sin embargo, salieron durante el video, ups.
Y sí, Jib Kodi será el invitado de honor de Confuror 2020.

Mi plan después de la ceremonia de clausura, era salir nuevamente en fursuit para el Dead Dog Dance, sin embargo, Majira me invitó a una mini fiesta en su cuarto donde grabamos dos videos, uno para el canal de Kiwi y otro para el canal de Majira, y ahí nos quedamos, pues poco a poco iba llegando más gente, y eso no terminó hasta la madrugada. Pensé que después de eso ya me iría a dormir, pero no, me puse a hacer mis maletas y luego a ayudarles un rato a recoger a los del staff, y luego a llevar a Kazan al aeropuerto, no dormimos sino hasta las 7 de la mañana, y desperté a las 11 de la mañana para seguir empacando y poder hacer el check out.

Una gran experiencia, pude ver a mucha gente que no veía desde hace años, también vi a gente que estaba experimentando su primera convención, y que se llevaron una experiencia inigualable. A lo mejor es por la euforia, pero considero que, si hiciera un ranking de mis ediciones de convención furry favorita, Confuror 2019 quedaría en segundo lugar. Definitivamente nos veremos en Confuror 2020.



Confuror 2019 has turned in one of my most favorite conventions ever, and the best thing is that I didn’t have to travel a lot to get there, only 20 minutes from home.
It is not the only convention I’m staff, but it is the one where I work the most (since I’m local, it is easier for me to be more involved). So when I see how well received it went something I was working too many hours of my life for free, it is very satisfactory. How all the people were having fun, how they were living the time of their life, how they were meeting so many people. So grateful for all the good words about the convention, but of course it wouldn’t be possible without an excellent team as the Confuror convention has.

Before the convention happened, a week before, I received some visits:
and Polaris Beaver.
and I took them to sightseeing around Guadalajara, we went to Tlaquepaque, Chapala and Ajijic (read it as Ahihic, not as Ayiyic). Also we went to pick up some friends to the airport: Skippy Fox and Kitt, we took everyone to Guadalajara downtown and ate tortas ahogadas, it was particularly a nice day: beautiful sunset and they could see some events from the romeria, a celebration that is for Our Lady of Zapopan. Also we had to pick up Pepper Coyote, Gnaw and Tony Bear to the airport. It was the time we’ve gone more times to the airport in one single week.

On Thursday we arrived to the hotel, our original idea was picking up our badge at registration, then going to the supermarket to buy things for the weekend, and then going for dinner. But all the plans changed and got mixed because we had to wait that our friends waited in line for 2 hours, while we tried to get our badges that they didn’t have ready (most of the staff badges arrived until Saturday evening, so until then, we had to be carrying a temporary badge). I think that was the only bad thing of all the weekend, definitely the convention needs to work to improve registration.

That evening, after dinner, we celebrated Kazan’s birthday with a tres leches and flan cake (delicious!). I only brought plates and napkins, but no cutlery, so we had to improvise with a piece of laminator sheet for the knife, and Roni cut a plastic bottle to create spoons (Life hacks).

Those were my last quiet times where I could do nothing during my time in the hotel, because since day 1, I couldn’t be quiet since I woke up until it was my time to sleep, all day I were in a rush.

Day 1: Friday, October 13th
Friday and Saturday were my Artist Alley days, but as many of you who attended could notice, I was not in my table, I barely was there, it was Roni who was in charge of it most of the time, thanks a lot who pass by and said hi to him and even ask him for autographs, because I felt kind of bad he was there while the convention was happening (as most of times happens to me at other conventions, but well, I never complain, I like earning money from my own work and the experience of saying hi to people, and talking with other artists around me), but he told me he had a wonderful time, that he really wants to keep helping me on future conventions (that are not in USA, because he’s not able to go there u_u ).

I was surprised when they told me they required me for the opening ceremonies, for a little performance related to a papaya, now I’m a meme because of it (thanks, Confuror).
The opening ceremony finished at 12, and at that same time I had to host my first panel, so I had to be in fursuit, it was not my idea to be like that, hehe.

My first panel was an activity about drawing, the premiere of that panel by me was at Fur-Eh, so this is the second time I’m running it, and I had more participation than I expected, we had around 50 people there. We were creating strange creatures and non-sense comic strips; it was really fun. Fortunately, it was not any other panel after mine on that room, so we could expand our time there because people wanted to keep creating those crazy drawings.

I don’t know where the time was going to, because everything was happening too fast, it was supposed that I had some free hours after my panel, but I only could take off my fursuit, eat at Burger King, came back and my time was over. But well, it was for a panel I didn’t want to miss: Parody Sing-Along with
, where it happened a nice coincidence. When I arrived, I met
, who gave me a beaver plushie from the Texan gas station Buc-ee’s, and the first song that Max sang, was “I’m a big beaver”, parody from the song “I’m a believer” by The Monkees.

In the panel “A Guide to Being a Fox”, by Majira, Fox Amoore and Kiwi Fox. Majira made me come up to the stage, to evidence everyone I was more a fox than a panda (lies, pandas are better).

In the end of that day, it was time for our Viernes Furry Show, you can watch it on Youtube (it is completely in Spanish, I’m sorry), it was really fun, thanks a lot to all of you who attended it, we reached for donations $1,943.50 mxn and $28 usd for charity: https://youtu.be/9vms_bBXCx0

Day 2: Saturday, October 12th.
First three hours of the Artist Alley I was there in my table finally, because Roni had to host the Fursuit Games, and I could realize how well the Viernes Furry shirts were selling (we sold them out that same morning), and the big success the Paws, Maws, Tummies and Tails badges had, just the beginning of that day, we run out of the Paws badges. Also I took advantage before the Artist Alley was officially opened, to buy some items to other artists, among them, Alma Lilia from Perros de Agua, and Kimi.

Just when the Fursuit Games were over, Roni came back to the table, and I had to go to eat something, because just after that I had my last few free hours of that weekend, I took them to visit Majira and Kiwi to their room. We planned to wander around the convention center in fursuit with the charity jar, but me, instead being Paco, was going to be in Majira’s fursuit.
Before, I thought people asked me too many pictures, that it is very hard to be walking in fursuit because everyone is asking me for a picture, oh I was in a big mistake. Being Majira is that, but 10 times more. The elevator just opened its doors to the convention center and we stayed around that area for more than 10 minutes, taking pictures with the people. I love being around the people, play with them, being a giant silly goof furball, that’s something I enjoy a lot, and I tried to be the same way while I was Majira, but it was a little harder because while I tried to act silly with the people who said hi and wanted a picture, others already wanted to have their picture, one after one.
Many didn’t notice that Majira was smaller than usual, even someone said “Oh Majira, you’re really tall!” when we were exactly same size. But many other definitely noticed something strange on that Majira, and to confirm their doubts, I started speaking Spanish, action that received many funny answers. But there was a girl who got very excited when she saw Majira, she screamed, hugged me, and started crying, so I couldn’t ruin her the magic, so I acted like if I were the real Majira, trying to imitate his voice, telling her some nice words in English, and she was more than happy for that.
It didn’t finish there, I spent more time as Majira doing a conga line through the Dealers den, someone made me dance as Pennywise, I was skipping from here to there, and suddenly, I started losing my energy, I wanted to go back to the room to take off the fursuit, but we were kind of far from the elevators, so it took more time that I would have wanted because people kept asking for pictures, and I never want to say no.

Being tired was not the only reason we needed to go back to the room, it was also because it was about to start the Q&A panel of Majira, Fox Amoore and Kiwi; and even if the event had professional translators for the English panels, Majira wanted me to be translating Spanish questions to English, and all the answers to Spanish. That’s definitely not easy, it is one of the hardest things I’ve done, because it is not only pay completely attention and get the context of everything, but also memorize everything what they are saying to repeat it to the other language. It was not simultaneous translation, I had to wait until they stopped speaking so I could repeat everything to Spanish or English, but it was more like I was part of the show. At first, I was so nervous that I was even sweating, I was feeling that the audience was judging me, because most of them could speak perfectly both English and Spanish, and I thought they could be mad at me if I got a wrong or incomplete translation, but then I stopped worrying about that and tried to make it the funniest possible.

After that event and signing many last pages of conbooks (that was a thing during the convention), I could just check 30 minutes of the Max DeGroot’s panel “Creating Character Voices”, which was very interesting and it has a really good response by the audience.
I had to eat something very quickly after it because it was going to start the Foxes & Peppers concert, which was very full, people were standing up (there were no seats), and it was an excellent show, they didn’t only sing their hits, they also sang some covers, among them were La Bamba and Cielito Lindo (with funny modified lyrics by Pepper).

Day 3: Sunday, October 13th
Last day and I realized that it will be my busiest day of the weekend, where I won’t have any single free time. The first thing was the Fursuit Parade, which was at 9am, I thought not many were going to attend because it was too early, but it seems that everyone wanted to be in the picture, that was taken in front of the emblematic Minerva of Guadalajara, it was a really nice shot, but we got so exhausted because the sun was behind us.

I had to dry my fursuit very quickly so it could be ready for my next event: Fursuit Charades, which I decided to host them completely in English. I was the host, so I was not in Fursuit, but I really wanted to see Paco Panda playing, so I lent my fursuit to Polaris so he could be me.

They were really fun games, more successful than I thought. They were 16 fursuiters playing in 4 teams: Paws, Maws, Tummies and Tails. On each team there was someone who I knew very well. On the Paws Team,
. On Maws Team, Oatmeal. On Tummies Team, Paco Panda (my spiritual me). And on Tails Team, Brainfreeze. Tails team was in last place, while the winner was Paws team with 28 points, Maws team was in second place with 27 points.

After charades, I could, for first time in all the weekend, take a look to the dealer’s den (without fursuit). I could buy a bunch of things and met artists I couldn’t meet during the rest of the weekend. I missed the dance competition, not only because that was my only moment I could check out the dealer’s den, but because I knew the main stage was completely full, nobody else could enter the room.

When the competition was over I had to prepare that same room because there was going to be my last event of the convention: Doodles for Charity, where I asked 8 fursuiters to show up: Koidel,
, Sky the skunk, Brainfreeze, Max, Franko, Majira and Kiwi Fox; they had a bunch of crayons and paper so they could draw anyone who wanted a doodle by them, even if they were not artist and ended up drawing stick and circle characters, and people donated to charity to be able to get one. We got $3,962mxn and $50usd, even more than I imagined.
The time of the event was over and some fursuiters were still drawing, and the room was getting prepared for the next event, the charity auction, so it was a little time of stress seeing that we needed to clean the room for that event, people who were coming for the auction was arriving, also the hosts were showing up, and I was still cleaning and accommodating the mess we got for that doodles event, but in the end it was very satisfactory that we got such quantity, and all the fursuiters had fun drawing.

I stayed on that event that was starting, because I had donated two frames for the auction charity, the first of them was the picture I did for the promo flyers of the convention, and it was auctioned for $800 mxn, but the second one was a big surprise how high it reached, it was a picture I did for BLFC 2017, and it was auctioned for $5,600 mxn, something that I didn’t imagined either.

For closing ceremonies, Jib Kodi had prepared a new promo video with the theme of the convention of next year, which me and some friends helped him with some voice acting. People got crazy when the video was presented, even if there was a mistake of coordination, the plan was that after the video, some wrestlers were showing up to the stage, but they came up during the video, oops.
And yes, Jib Kodi is going to be Guest of Honor of Confuror 2020.

My plan was that after closing ceremonies, I was going to be for last time in fursuit to dance on the Dead Dog Party, but nevertheless, Majira invited me to a mini room party where we recorded two videos, one for the Kiwi’s channel and other for Majira’s, so we stayed here, little by little more people were arriving, and it was so chilling and relaxing. I thought that after the party I was going to sleep but nop, I started packing and then helped a little bit to the staff to disassemble, then to take my friend Kazan to the airport, we didn’t sleep until 7am, and woke up at 11 in the morning to keep packing and could make the hotel check out.

A great experience, I could see many people I hadn’t seen in years, also I could see many people who were experiencing their very first furry convention ever, and they got an unforgettable experience.
Maybe this is for the euphoria, but if I could make a ranking of my most favorite conventions, Confuror 2019 would be on second place. So definitely we’ll see us at Confuror 2020.
Viewed: 80 times
Added: 4 years, 6 months ago
4 years, 6 months ago
Yay, it was great to see you again, and great to see my Mexican friends that I made last year. Made some new friends this year too, including some from Argentina :) Maybe next time I visit, I need to plan to spend a few days either before or after the con so I can go sightseeing with you guys too. I don't mind going by myself, but it's always helpful to have a local guide :)

My goals for this year were to see a mariachi performance, try some birria, go to the zoo, and to see the Templo Expiatorio (especially its clock with the figures of the apostles). But I made a mistake with my plane tickets and got them for Thursday to Monday; last year, I was in Mexico from Wednesday to Monday. So I didn't have much time to go sightseeing :( There was a furry group going to the zoo on Thursday around 11am, but my flight arrived about 2:30pm, and by the time I got to the hotel, it was about 3:30. The zoo closes at 6:00, so I skipped the zoo and went to El Parián in Tlaquepaque instead, since I read that there would be mariachi bands there. I also read that the food wasn't anything too special there, and to stick with the drinks, but I was a little hungry, so I ordered some tortilla soup, which I thought was pretty good :) (but yeah, I guess it wasn't <i>great</i>). And I also ordered a <i>cazuela</i> with fruit and some tequila :) A guy came by and asked if I wanted to request a song; I wanted a song, so I asked him how much it'd be, and he said 250 pesos. I head read that it's usually around US$10, so maybe this was a little expensive, but I didn't feel like I was being ripped off or anything, so I agreed. I don't really know any mariachi songs, so I told him to pick one. He called the rest of the band over, and they sang "Guadalajara" :) After that, I walked around Tlaquepaque a bit and took some pictures. It was starting to get dark, so I decided to head back to the hotel. And yeah, I got stuck in the Thursday evening registration line for a long time, and managed to get my badge around 9:30. I think next year, they need to find a bigger place for the registration staff, so they can have more staff getting people registered.

And on Sunday, I did get to try birria! Someone in the Confuror telegram group recommended a place, and I saw that there were some reviews on English-language sites saying it was one of the best birrierias in Guadalajara. I asked some Mexican friends if they wanted to go, but they said they didn't really like birria :P So I ended up going by myself, and it turns out it wasn't really a restaurant. It was a small stall in a market, where there were a few stools in front of the counter. All the seats were full, there was no menu, and nobody spoke English, but I managed enough Spanish to get some birria (in broth, and tacos too). A customer sitting next to me didn't speak English, but he suggested things for me to order :) And I thought it was really good! My Mexican friends who didn't like birria said they didn't like it because of the texture of the goat meat was stringy, but it didn't seem that way to me. They're not from Guadalajara, so maybe they just haven't had good birria :)

So I was only able to achieve half of my goals... oh well, there's always next time!
4 years, 6 months ago
Hehe, yeah, that was a nice coincidence that I gave you the beaver plushie in time for a song about a beaver.
mentioned that he saw you waving the plushie around during the song :)

Aww, I missed seeing you wearing Maijra's suit. I didn't see you in your own fursuit too often either, I think you were pretty busy this con. I watched the fursuit games, and after that, I went to Arty and Chikle's panel, which is probably why I didn't see you dressed as Majira. The panel was only in Spanish, but on the way to the main stage, XavierAlphLang spotted me and offered to interpret. He and another person interpreted, and since I was the only one at the panel who didn't understand Spanish, it was like I had my own personal interpreters. I felt like a VIP! :) I've done a little bit of Thai to English interpreting, and yeah, it's really hard! I'm sure you did a great job at the Majira Q&A though :) I heard that for the bilingual panels, the presenters were supposed to handle the interpreting (either do it themselves, or have someone who can do it, like you did for Majira's panel). I think maybe some of the presenters could have used a reminder about that though; I went to a few panels that were listed as bilingual, but they were actually all in Spanish :( I can understand a little bit of Spanish, so I got the general idea of what they were talking about, but not the details.
did a great job at his photografurs panel though, where he spoke in Spanish and English :) (I think I was the only non-Spanish speaker there)

The doodles for charity was really cool, and I managed to get doodles from three artists (Franko, Sky Skunk, and Max). I saw the US$50 bill in the charity jar and wondered who put that in there :) $50 bills aren't that commonly used ; they're definitely not rare, but the largest bill most people carry is $20. There's also a $2 bill, but that's almost never used. Apprently some people don't even know that it exists, and if you give one to a cashier, they might think it's fake! Do people use the 1,000 peso bill much in Mexico? It's great to hear that the doodles raised a lot of money :) And I saw the auction for your art... wow, MXN$5,600 is awesome! :)

I had a great time at Confuror, and it's one of my favorite cons! :) But unfortunately, I can't go to too many cons in one year, and I'd like to try Anthrocon next year, so I think I'll have to miss out on Confuror 2020. But I will definitely be back later! :)
4 years, 5 months ago
Wow, eres de Guadalajara... que pequeño es el mundo... y ni tenía idea que teníamos una convención en casa
4 years, 4 months ago
So, I saw a funny on your twitter from a friend, and I was kinda curious if you ever do NSFW stuffs.

I completely understand if not, just curious!
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